DeltaMarket Broker Review Is it a legit broker?

DeltaMarket is a broker based in the cmc markets review Republic of the Marshall Islands but trading further afield. It is owned by Bi-Global World Ltd, and offers a whole host of asset classes for trading, including foreign exchange pairs, energies, indices and more. It is, however, essential for a trader who wants to get started with real-money trading to do this. If they do not, they will not be able to open positions at DeltaMarket, and this could have a knock-on effect on their trading career.

Is this a legit company or just another scam?

Check the market website for vendors, and opening and closing dates. DeltaMarket does state on its risk warnings document that it operates according to the law in the Republic of the Marshall Islands, where it is based, but there is no specific regulatory information. This information is not readily available in this format from DeltaMarket, and you are advised to contact the broker to find out more. In fact, in the broker’s risk warnings document, it states bitstamp review that it cannot guarantee a separation of funds. A wide variety of traders are likely to find the services of DeltaMarket useful.

Aside from these potential regulation issues, DeltaMarket offers customers various potential advantages. The broker provides a choice of account types, for example, which is not something to be dismissed. Many other brokers fail to offer this sort of choice when it comes to accounts, meaning that restrictive and customer-unfriendly minimum deposits can scupper a trading experience. Another downside to using DeltaMarket, however, is the absence of strong educational content – something that could hamper the trading experience, especially for new or unskilled traders.

How do I close my DeltaMarket account?

Explore and follow all currency pairs, get the latest exchange rates and stay in the know. Unlock valuable insights into the foreign exchange market with Delta’s comprehensive analytics. Dive deep into historical price data, track performance trends, and conduct comparative analysis across multiple currencies. Stay ahead of the curve and optimize your forex trading strategy with our powerful tools. Gain an insight into the overall market trends, sentiment, and monetary policy. Set up a currency watchlist to track central bank announcements and policy changes to anticipate shifts in exchange rates and adjust your investment strategy accordingly.

The exception to this, of course, is certified service dogs. Once this link has been clicked and you are logged in, you will be able to log into your account with an email address and a password.

Platform review

The BlackBull Markets site is intuitive and easy to use, making it an ideal choice for beginners. The sort of sophisticated and detailed educational content seen on many other trading sites is not found here. There is a frequently asked questions section containing the answers to a number of important questions, such as whether or not you need experience in order to start an account. The alphabetically organised dictionary of important trading terms might be useful to a very new trader. However, the absence of explanatory videos about MetaTrader, instructions on how to use price charts, and more, all counts as a drawback.

Trader protections by territory

This includes your name, phone number, email address and more. Traders who wish to have access to this kind of function would perhaps be best advised to look elsewhere. Information about which markets and territories DeltaMarket appeals to is not especially clear. The sign-up page requires you to select your country, and a list of many countries appears – suggesting that there are few geographical limits. The DeltaMarket platform is easy to use, and offers plenty of flexibility. Just add your transactions manually, and get a great overview of your overall portfolio performance.

The reason for this is that advanced traders are likely to want to use software that is more powerful than MetaTrader 4 (MT4), which is the package on offer at this broker. However, traders who are beginners or at an intermediate level are likely to find that MT4 suits their needs to a sufficient extent. Traders who wish to trade at DeltaMarket ought to think carefully before proceeding with a deposit. The broker does not appear to be clearly regulated, and it does not bear the standard prominent information about which regulator oversees it. Although this does not automatically mean that those behind DeltaMarket are fraudsters, it does raise the risk – so you should do some investigations of your own before jumping in and getting started.

From in-depth metrics to advanced portfolio management features, our tools are designed to empower you to make informed investment decisions. The Ladner Village Market runs from 10am to 4pm on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of June, July, and August, and on the 2nd Sunday of September. With a “make it, bake it, or grow it” philosophy, the market has attracted local farmers, food makers, artisans, artists, and plant growers from around BC. The Southlands Farmers’ Market is the newest addition to the Delta farmers’ market line-up. The market runs from 10am to 2pm, and in November and December it moves into the cozy Southlands Red Barn to finish off the season.

When it comes to commissions, none of the account types on offer at DeltaMarket put these charges in place – meaning that there is an opportunity to reduce the costs of trading. CFDs that focus on energy can also be traded at DeltaMarket. Crude oil in particular is available via this broker, which is helpful given that it is highly popular across the trading world. Futures, meanwhile, are also on offer, and are useful for traders who want to enjoy some flexibility and protection while trading online.

  1. We auto-synchronize all your wallets to give you a real-time overview of all your crypto.
  2. If they wish to trade using the basic-level account, known as ‘Bronze’, then the spread fees will begin at 2.8 pips.
  3. However, two groups in particular are likely to want to use DeltaMarket the most.

However, two groups in particular are likely to want to use DeltaMarket the most. We auto-synchronize all your wallets to give you a real-time overview of all your crypto. Both the market and the City of Delta ask you not to bring your four-legged friends to the market. Between the crowds and the leashes that can get tangled in legs, it’s not an ideal environment for dogs.

The account-opening process at DeltaMarket is done online, and it can be started by clicking the orange ‘Sign up’ button at the top of the homepage. Helpfully, traders are advised by DeltaMarket that their photographs need to be high resolution and that both sides of the document must be sent in. The first step that a trader will need to go through when opening an account is the provision of some personal information.

An important part of any trading experience is the set of tools on offer. At DeltaMarket, traders are offered MT4 – a big name in the trading world, and one that offers at least a basic and reliable option. One of the main features of MT4 is the charting function – the platform allows traders to use 128 charts. Spread fees at DeltaMarket vary according to the account type that the user opts for, and also according to the asset they are choosing to trade. If they wish to trade using the basic-level account, known as ‘Bronze’, then the spread fees will begin at 2.8 pips. Silver account holders, meanwhile, will see spreads begin at 2.5 pips.

Powered by MT4, this platform provides you with a variety of options to understand and analyse the financial data required to place trades. Finally, personal account managers are on offer with each account type. It’s worth noting that all accounts at DeltaMarket come with a number of common features – and these are accessible whichever type of account you choose. All accounts, for example, have the same execution policies. They all offer straight-through processing (STP), for example, while they also all have a policy of no requotes. The first group of traders who are likely to value the services of DeltaMarket are those who are not advanced traders.

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apsuser May 27, 2021 0 Comments

Как зайти в Boot Menu на ПК и ноутбуке

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Данный параметр устанавливается конкретным разработчиком материнской платы и зависит от версии самой системы. Если перейти в раздел Setup, то удастся назначить последовательность и приоритетность загрузки носителей, подключенных к ПК. Например, нужно загрузить ПК не с жесткого диска, а с флэшки или даже CD. Это актуально при смене Windows или при необходимости исправить баги в работе системы. Boot Menu — часть BIOS, где настраивается порядок запуска операционной системы с установленных в ПК или ноутбуке носителей.

  1. Если вы новый пользователь, желающий стать мейкером, заполните форму здесь.
  2. Для осуществления регистрации от вас потребуется всего навсего перейти на сайт и далее уже выбрать для входа одну из предлолженных социальных сетей.
  3. На данных моделях девайсов для входа в меню используются две клавиши — Escape либо же F8.
  4. За этот краткий миг, когда происходит загрузка системы, необходимо успеть нажать требуемую клавишу.

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О том, как пользоваться данной функцией, вы узнаете из нашего материала. Чтобы было более понятно и можно было наглядно посмотреть на процесс регистрации и ввода кода, можно посмотреть это видео. В этом видео показан как регистрироваться и куда вводить код.

Не только биткоин: ряд цифровых активов показал феноменальный рост

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Далее, в соответствующей строке, немного ниже, нужно ввести код. На данных моделях девайсов для входа в меню используются две клавиши — Escape либо же F8. Для попадания в саму систему BIOS используются кнопки Delete или F9. За этот краткий миг, когда происходит загрузка системы, необходимо успеть нажать требуемую торговля на пробой уровня клавишу. Удобнее всего, это сделать, через такую популярную сеть, как вконтакте. На самом деле-то зарегестрироваться в Opcash очень и очень просто.

На лэптопах Sony используется кнопка F11, но на отдельных моделях может присутствовать блокировка на вход в загрузочное меню. Тогда пользуемся той же инструкцией, что и для моделей Acer, а после открываем Boot menu клавишей F11. Вам необходимо выполнить требование к минимальной сумме активов — вносить изменения в существующий аккаунт не требуется. Мы поддерживаем все режимы и методы маржи, а также местные валюты.

Как попасть в Boot Menu на ПК

У производителя весьма интересный подход к вопросу удобства — для отдельных функций существуют специальные кнопки. Например, на ноутбуках присутствует рычажок, с помощью которого отключается Wi-Fi. Также, на моделях подороже, есть специальная кнопка для перехода в Device Priority. На ней нарисована изогнутая стрелка и располагается она не в общем что такое atr ряду клавиш.

Как зарегистрироваться для участия в блочной торговле на бирже OKX?

Однако имейте в виду, что блочные сделки на OKX по умолчанию будут выполняться в чистом режиме, независимо выбранного режима на других площадках OKX. Зайти в Boot menu на Samsung можно простым нажатием на Esc во время загрузки системы. Альтернативный вариант на стареньких моделях — кнопка F10. Нужно перейти на этот сайт и нажать на кнопку – вход через соцсети.

Для осуществления регистрации от вас потребуется всего навсего перейти на сайт и далее уже выбрать для входа одну из предлолженных социальных сетей. В общем вход через соцсети и быстрая регистрация соответственно. Если у вас уже есть аккаунт, обратитесь к вашему аккаунт-менеджеру, чтобы зарегистрироваться в качестве мейкера. Если вы новый пользователь, желающий стать мейкером, заполните форму здесь. Если мы сочтем вас подходящим кандидатом, наша команда свяжется с вами, чтобы помочь вам в процессе регистрации. Если такая кнопка отсутствует, пробуйте зайти в меню через F12.

Как зайти в Boot Menu на ПК и ноутбуке

Но только ещё от вас потребуется ввести в строчке пониже свой промокод. Теперь можно пользоваться функцией, как и на других устройствах, просто нажав клавишу F12 при Трейдер это кто и чем занимается загрузке системы. Вызвать Boot Menu можно нажатием клавиш F8, F11, F12, либо же Esc.

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apsuser May 5, 2021 0 Comments

What is Article 13? We explain the EU’s new copyright law

what is article 13 reddit

If we have a deal, the legislation will likely be translated into UK law but if there is no deal we understand that it won’t apply to the UK. UK Music is the industry organisation behind the British Music industry, representing organisations such as the BPI, Musicians Union and PRS. It welcomed the move as “a huge step forward for creators, the UK music industry and the millions who love the music we produce.” Google doesn’t like it and claimed that it could “change the web as we know it”.

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The article intends to get news aggregator sites, such as Google News, to pay publishers for using snippets of their articles on their platforms. Press publications “may obtain fair and proportionate remuneration for the digital use of their press publications by information society service providers,” the Directive states. The Directive on Copyright would make online platforms and aggregator sites liable for copyright infringements, and supposedly direct more revenue from tech giants towards artists and journalists. Almost the entirety of the internet thrives on a law called Fair Use.

  1. Notably, the final directive made it clear which sites would be liable for copyright infringement.
  2. The European Parliament approved the draft Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market in September 2018.
  3. There are fears it could outlaw news aggregators as we know them or even prevent any sites other than giants like Google, which could afford a license, from linking to articles at all.
  4. For example, new music tracks remixing and sampling other artists could find themselves blocked.

Currently, YouTube can use algorithms and other clever sauce to detect copyright content after it has been uploaded, sometimes this can be a long time after upload. And generally your content is not removed, you just can’t put advertising against it. It refers to services that primarily exist to give the public access to “protected works or other protected subject-matter uploaded by its users”, so it is likely to cover services such as YouTube, Dailymotion and Soundcloud. While this is a European matter, the outcome affects all internet users and services around the world. As we saw after the implementation of GDPR, some services blocked European users rather than complying with the law. This edition of the directive expanded the definitions, made concessions, and included clarifications.

what is article 13 reddit

What is the EU Article 13?

Like many legal documents, it isn’t immediately clear what that means. Those measures, such as the use of effective content recognition technologies, shall be appropriate and proportionate. It’d force all online platforms to police and prevent the uploading of copyrighted content, or make people seek the correct licenses to post that content.

What is Article 13 and if it’s that bad, why aren’t people panicking?

Ultimately, it all depends how much internet platforms invest in artificial intelligence. If the AI is good enough to work out the difference between a meme and thieving copyrighted material, Article 13 could work. Because the onus will be on individual websites and internet convert russian rouble to euro service providers, they will also face the repercussions. As such, some fear that they will aggressively seek to delete content which is potentially troublesome.

The video could then be taken down, regardless of whether they had a valid claim, with the creator all but powerless to prevent it. This is one of the reasons to host videos on Vimeo rather than YouTube. After the draft legislation was published, many critics argued the case that the EU’s Article 13 proposal would be the end of meme culture. By similar logic, popular remix culture would be lost so that could mean the end of user-generated remixes and parodies, and of the platforms that host them like YouTube and SoundCloud. This is a transformative change from the way the internet has developed.

“The onus will be on, for example, the social media platforms to filter their content and ensure that copyright is not breached on their platform,” says Shriane. The final version of Article 13 says services must make “best efforts” to remove copyright-protected videos in cases where “the rights holders have provided… the relevant and necessary information”. Article 13 says content-sharing services must license copyright-protected material from the rights holders. Many of the world’s most popular websites rely on user-generated content. Notably, social media sites like Facebook, Reddit, and Twitter would be affected by the legislation as their platforms depend upon it.

Article 13: Europe’s hotly debated revamp of copyright law, explained

However, critics say the opposite is true, with smaller websites most adversely affected by the directive. On April 15, 2019, the European Council – the political body composed of government ministers from each of the 28 EU member states – voted to adopt into EU law the copyright directive as passed by the European Parliament in March. Six member states (Finland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland and Sweden) voted against adopting the directive while three (Belgium, Estonia and Slovenia) abstained from the vote. This will affects our ‘Muricans in the United States too, since many sites we use on a daily basis are accessible worldwide.

Both the Copyright Directive and GDPR could dramatically affect and change things about the internet as we know it. But they also differ significantly, not just in scope, but also in how they’re viewed and received by the world beyond Brussels. The EU’s proposed European Copyright foreign currency time deposits Directive is being called a war on memes.

Thus citizens of Europe who are against Article 13 are advised to get in touch with their MEPs before this vote. However, more broadly, internet users are concerned about the impact of the legislation on copied or remixed content. In addition, some argue that the proposal gives no indication about which internet platforms would need to introduce these new filters. To become law, EU member states must pass legislation that adheres to the rules set out in the directive, so it is likely to be some time before the restrictions take effect. There is likely to be a series of campaigns against the changes as well as legal challenges in national and EU courts. The rules are also intended to challenge the power of tech giants like a roadmap to continuous delivery pipeline maturity Google and YouTube, forcing them to pay for content they aggregate.

The Directive on Copyright has gained vocal critics on both sides of the debate, but you can broadly chunk up defenders and detractors into two categories. One random discord server I was in just linked everyone to because apparently EU is trying to kill internet as we know it. has a great tool for finding and contacting your MEP, and has a few prewritten scripts and talking points for them. Phone calls are generally the most effective method, since you know they actually answer them. If you’ve been lurking around the internet recently, you may have seen a lot of drama about this “Article 13” in the EU going around. Since most of the other sites are political action groups that want your money, and many others do a garbage job of explaining this, I’ll try to explain this as briefly and simply as possible.

With such confusion, some creators have instead turned instead to copyright alternatives like copyleft. Copyright differs between countries, with some taking a much harder stance, while others mostly ignore it. The European Union (EU) currently has 28 member states, the UK’s exit—or Brexit—notwithstanding. The union represents one of the most significant trading blocks in the world, and as such its regulatory framework has worldwide repercussions. However, given that Britain has adopted other European-wide rulings such as General Data Protection Regulation into its own legislation, there’s a chance the same would happen in this case too. These are just some of the possibilities, but because of how vague the law is, it’s hard to see how it might be upheld when the time comes.

“Platforms unable or unwilling to pay licensing fees would need to shut down or disallow users from sharing links with snippets,” said Pirate Party MEP Julia Reda. An organized campaign against Article 13 warns that it’d affect everything from memes to code, remixes to livestreaming. Almost 400,000 people have so far signed a petition against the provision. Those votes happened just weeks after Europe’s last big piece of internet-related legislation — the General Data Privacy Regulation ( GDPR) — kicked in. Although websites less than three years old, or with less than €10 million annual turnover are exempt, the websites will still need to plan for when those caveats no longer apply to them.

This is the part of the Directive on Copyright that has most people worried. Once YouTube became the internet’s de facto video site, copyright holders began to pressure Google to remove unlicensed copyrighted content. The reason why this article has been dubbed the “meme ban” is that no one is sure whether memes, which are often based on copyrighted images, will fall foul of these laws. Article 17 clarifies that a service must seek authorization from the rights holder to display copyrighted content. As the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) notes, “Article [17] advocates argue that online services won’t need to filter if they license the catalogues of big entertainment companies.”

If you thought Article 13 is controversial, Article 11 could be more so. It forces search engines and other aggregators to pay license fees on short snippets of content. Google even shared sample search pages back in January which removed the bits that could potentially fall foul of the legislation.

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apsuser May 3, 2021 0 Comments

Alcoholic Ketoacidosis: Warning Signs and Treatments

alcoholic ketoacidosis smell

Routine clinical assays for ketonemia test for AcAc and acetone but not for β-OH. Clinicians underestimate the degree of ketonemia if they rely solely on the results of laboratory testing. People with diabetes should limit their consumption of alcohol. Apart from the risk of alcoholic ketoacidosis, alcohol can cause spikes in blood sugar. When the breath of a person with diabetes smells like acetone, they should check their blood sugar levels.

alcoholic ketoacidosis smell

If your doctor suspects that you’ve developed this condition, they may order additional tests to rule out other possible conditions. After these test results are in, they can confirm the diagnosis. The pathophysiology of alcoholic ketoacidosis is complex, involving the excessive production of ketones, which, along with dextrose administration, can impact blood pH levels. The role of lactate, as well as the potential development of alkalosis or acid-base disturbances, is significant in understanding this condition.

Other sources of acetone

alcoholic ketoacidosis smell

Having diabetes can also make a person more likely to develop oral health problems. In 2009, researchers james anderson author found that analyzing a person’s breath could help identify prediabetes, the early stage of diabetes. People who exhaled higher levels of carbon dioxide were more likely to have high blood glucose levels.

Why does my breath smell like acetone?

Prolonged used of alcohol can result in cirrhosis, or permanent scarring of the liver. Cirrhosis of the liver can cause exhaustion, leg swelling, and nausea. If you believe you are experiencing HHS, contact a healthcare provider or go to the emergency room immediately. Diabetic ketoacidosis, or DKA, is a complication of diabetes, especially type 1 diabetes. Diabetes is not the only condition linked to breath that smells of acetone.

  1. When your liver uses up its stored glucose and you aren’t eating anything to provide more, your blood sugar levels will drop.
  2. If you are diagnosed with alcoholic ketoacidosis, your recovery will depend on a number of factors.
  3. When this happens, it can cause ketones, which are acids, to build up in your blood.
  4. If symptoms progress without treatment, the person may lose consciousness and experience a coma.
  5. This test will provide information about your sugar levels to help determine whether you have diabetes.
  6. It is a clinical diagnosis with patients presenting with tachycardia, tachypnea, dehydration, agitation, and abdominal pain.

The process of breaking down fat for energy releases byproducts called ketones. They provide some energy to your cells, but too much may cause your blood to become too acidic. If you are diagnosed with alcoholic ketoacidosis, your recovery will depend on a number of factors. Seeking help as soon as symptoms arise reduces your chances of serious complications. Treatment for alcohol addiction is also necessary to prevent a relapse of alcoholic ketoacidosis.

Support groups can be a valuable source of support and can be combined with medication and therapy. While following the diet, a person should ensure that they consume enough liquids and electrolytes. This type of diet is not suitable for everyone, and there may be adverse effects. Knowing about DKA and being able to recognize its symptoms can save a person’s life.

Differential Diagnosis

Not eating enough or vomiting can lead to periods of starvation. Alcoholic ketoacidosis can develop when you drink excessive amounts of alcohol for a long period of time. Excessive alcohol consumption often causes malnourishment (not enough nutrients for the body to function well). Glucose comes from the food you eat, and insulin is produced by the pancreas. When you drink alcohol, your pancreas may stop producing insulin for a short time.

Ketoacidosis is a metabolic state caused by uncontrolled production of ketone bodies that cause a metabolic acidosis. While ketosis refers to any elevation of blood ketones, ketoacidosis is a specific pathologic condition that results in changes in blood pH and requires medical attention. The most common cause of ketoacidosis is diabetic ketoacidosis but can also be caused by alcohol, medications, toxins, and rarely, starvation.

If the breath of a person who does not have a diabetes diagnosis smells of acetone, they should see a doctor who can check for diabetes and other causes of the smell. DKA can cause the blood to become acidic and affect how the organs function. The condition usually occurs gradually, but if a person has been vomiting, it can develop quickly. Patients are usually tachycardic, dehydrated, tachypneic, present with abdominal pain, and are often agitated. People who drink large quantities of alcohol may not eat regularly.


You can drink plenty of water, brush your teeth more often, or use mints eminem addiction or gum to try to mask it. If you experience fruity breath that’s not caused by intentional changes to your diet, the scent of your breath may have more dire causes. Upon discharge from the hospital, your doctor may recommend connecting you with resources and support to aid in your recovery from alcohol use disorder. This could include referrals to counseling, therapy, or rehabilitation programs, providing you with a structured path toward sustained sobriety. The resulting increase in the NADH/NAD+ ratio inhibits hepatic gluconeogenesis and elevates the ratio of hydroxybutyric acid to acetoacetic acid. Acetic acid (an acyl group carrier) is linked with coenzyme A (a thiol) to produce Acetyl-CoA.

Breath that has a fruity or acetone-like scent may be a sign of ketosis from your diet, DKA, HHS, excessive alcohol use, or liver disease. If you need help creating a nutritional plan to help control your blood sugar levels, ask your healthcare provider for a referral to a registered dietitian. If you have diabetes and are having a hard time dosing your insulin and managing your blood sugar, contact your provider. If you suspect you are experiencing DKA, do not try to treat it at home unless under a healthcare provider’s supervision.

How Can Alcoholic Ketoacidosis Be Prevented?

Without insulin, your cells won’t be able to use the glucose you consume for energy. If you are unable to test your blood sugar and ketones, go to the emergency room. In order to experience alcoholic ketoacidosis, a person often has to drink large quantities of alcohol, while also being malnourished. If you begin vomiting or have other symptoms of DKA, contact your healthcare provider immediately or go to the emergency room. At our treatment centers, we offer the medical attention you need, combined with the caring, confidential services you deserve.

In general, the prognosis for a patient presenting with AKA is good as long as drinking because of boredom the condition is identified and treated early. The major cause of morbidity and mortality in patients diagnosed with AKA is under-recognition of concomitant diseases (that may have precipitated the AKA, to begin with). These include acute pancreatitis, gastrointestinal bleeding, and alcohol withdrawal. Mortality specifically due to AKA has been linked to the severity of serum beta-hydroxybutyric acid in some studies.

As the ketones build up, they increase the acidity of the blood. You can prevent alcoholic ketoacidosis by limiting your alcohol intake. You can learn how to reduce your alcohol intake or eliminate it altogether.

Your doctor and other medical professionals will watch you for symptoms of withdrawal. When your body burns fat for energy, byproducts known as ketone bodies are produced. If your body is not producing insulin, ketone bodies will begin to build up in your bloodstream.

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apsuser April 23, 2021 0 Comments

What Are Discount Bonds? Investment Guide

what is a discount bond

Discount bonds trade below face value due to rising interest rates and concerns about credit quality. Premium bonds trade above face value because interest rates are falling or the issuer’s credit quality has improved since the bonds were issued. When a bond is sold for less than face value, it is known as a discount bond.

Pros and Cons of Investing in Discount Bonds

Bonds can help to balance out risk in a portfolio while also generating income in the form of interest from regular coupon payments. When a bond is issued it’s assigned a fixed par value and a set maturity date. A bond’s value can change, however, once it begins trading on the open market. Premium bonds trade above par value while discount bonds trade below it. Both can offer opportunities for investors but it’s important to understand how premium and discount bonds work.

  1. When a discount bond is sold or matures, the investor may realize a capital gain, which is the difference between the bond’s purchase price and its sale or redemption price.
  2. Conversely, when interest rates decline, bond prices rise, and bond discounts decrease.
  3. For example, a bond with a par value of $1,000 that is trading at $980 has a bond discount of $20.
  4. When bond prices increase, and the bond discount narrows, investors holding discounted bonds can realize capital gains.
  5. Issuing the bond at a discount allows the issuer to provide a higher yield without increasing the bond’s coupon rate.

Calculating bond discounts can be done using the discounted cash flow approach or the yield-to-maturity (YTM) method. Discount bonds are sold below face value because their coupon rates are lower than prevailing market interest rates, making them less attractive to investors. A bond sold at par has its coupon rate equal to the prevailing interest rate in the economy.

Corporate bonds are issued by companies to raise capital that can be used to fund expansion projects. Traders should not assume that a discount bond is bad or that a premium bond is good just because its value differs from the bond’s face value. You should analyze the investment further to determine why the price has changed and forecast how that may change between today and when it matures. Diversification involves investing in bonds from various sectors and credit qualities to reduce risk.

what is a discount bond

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Discounts also occur when the bond supply exceeds demand when the bond’s credit rating is lowered, or when the perceived risk of default increases. Conversely, falling interest rates or an improved credit rating may cause a bond to trade at a premium. A bond issued at a discount has its market price below the face value, creating a capital appreciation upon maturity since the higher face value is paid when the bond matures. The bond discount is the difference by which a bond’s market price is lower than its face value.

A discount bond is offered at a lower price than the prevailing market rate. Buying the bond at a discount means that investors pay a price lower than the face value of the bond. However, it does not necessarily mean it offers better returns than other bonds. The higher rate in the economy decreases the value of the newly purchased bond due to paying a lower rate versus the market. That means if our investor wants to sell the bond on the secondary market, they will have to offer it for a lower price. Should the prevailing market interest rates rise enough to push the price or value of a bond below its face value, it’s referred to as a discount bond.

A distressed bond is one that is issued by a company that is financially distressed. When deciding whether to invest in bonds, it’s also important to look at the bigger picture to determine whether it’s a good fit for your investment strategy. Keeping the interest rate environment in focus can also help you to gauge which way bond prices are likely to move, at least in the near term. SmartAsset Advisors, LLC (“SmartAsset”), a wholly owned subsidiary of Financial Insight Technology, is registered with the U.S.

What Is a Distressed Bond?

This indicates the expected rate of return if the bond is held until maturity, considering the coupon payments and the purchase price. Bonds with longer times to maturity tend to have larger discounts because they are exposed to interest rate risk and credit risk for extended periods. When a discount bond is sold or matures, why does bookkeeping and accounting matter for law firms the investor may realize a capital gain, which is the difference between the bond’s purchase price and its sale or redemption price. Department of the Treasury and are backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government, making them among the safest investments.

Tax-Exempt Bonds

Factors such as interest rates, credit quality, time to maturity, and market conditions affect bond discounts. Bond funds are managed investment products that invest in a diversified portfolio of bonds. By investing in bond funds, investors can gain exposure to a broad range of discounted bonds without needing to actively manage individual bond holdings. By actively managing their portfolios, investors can respond to changes in interest rates, credit quality, and market demand, optimizing their bond investments. Yield to maturity is the total return expected from a bond if it is held until maturity.

Bond discount is the amount by which the market price of a bond is lower than its principal amount due at maturity. Rising interest rates generally lead to larger bond discounts, while falling interest rates reduce the discount. Tax-exempt bonds are generally exempt from federal income tax and may also be exempt from state and local taxes, depending on the investor’s residence and the issuing municipality. Issuing the bond at a discount allows the issuer to provide a higher yield without increasing the bond’s coupon rate. The same goes for credit quality – higher-quality bonds are priced higher than lower-quality bonds. The closer a bond is to its maturity date, the less its price will typically fluctuate.

The discount rate used in the discounted cash flow approach is the required rate of return for an investor. It reflects the prevailing market interest rates and the bond’s credit risk, adjusting the present value of future cash flows accordingly. The discounted cash flow approach calculates the bond discount by determining the present value of the bond’s future cash flows.

Table of Contents

Certain discount bonds, such as municipal bonds, may offer tax-exempt income, making them an attractive option for investors seeking tax-advantaged income. Bond funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are another way to invest in discount bonds. These funds pool investors’ how to calculate sales volume variance money and use it to purchase a diversified portfolio of bonds, including discount bonds. If there is strong demand for a particular bond or type of bond, issuers may issue bonds at a discount to capitalize on the market’s appetite for the security.

Bonds on the secondary market with fixed coupons will trade at discounts when market interest rates rise. While the investor receives the same coupon, the bond is discounted to match prevailing market yields. With changing interest rates, bond prices must adjust so that their YTM equals or is almost equal to the YTM of new bond issues. If interest rates are higher than the bond’s coupon rate, bond prices must decrease below the par value (discount bond) so that the YTM moves closer to the interest rates. Similarly, if interest rates drop below the coupon rate, bond prices rise above the par value.

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apsuser April 22, 2021 0 Comments

What Are Discount Bonds? Investment Guide

what is a discount bond

Discount bonds trade below face value due to rising interest rates and concerns about credit quality. Premium bonds trade above face value because interest rates are falling or the issuer’s credit quality has improved since the bonds were issued. When a bond is sold for less than face value, it is known as a discount bond.

Pros and Cons of Investing in Discount Bonds

Bonds can help to balance out risk in a portfolio while also generating income in the form of interest from regular coupon payments. When a bond is issued it’s assigned a fixed par value and a set maturity date. A bond’s value can change, however, once it begins trading on the open market. Premium bonds trade above par value while discount bonds trade below it. Both can offer opportunities for investors but it’s important to understand how premium and discount bonds work.

  1. When a discount bond is sold or matures, the investor may realize a capital gain, which is the difference between the bond’s purchase price and its sale or redemption price.
  2. Conversely, when interest rates decline, bond prices rise, and bond discounts decrease.
  3. For example, a bond with a par value of $1,000 that is trading at $980 has a bond discount of $20.
  4. When bond prices increase, and the bond discount narrows, investors holding discounted bonds can realize capital gains.
  5. Issuing the bond at a discount allows the issuer to provide a higher yield without increasing the bond’s coupon rate.

Calculating bond discounts can be done using the discounted cash flow approach or the yield-to-maturity (YTM) method. Discount bonds are sold below face value because their coupon rates are lower than prevailing market interest rates, making them less attractive to investors. A bond sold at par has its coupon rate equal to the prevailing interest rate in the economy.

Corporate bonds are issued by companies to raise capital that can be used to fund expansion projects. Traders should not assume that a discount bond is bad or that a premium bond is good just because its value differs from the bond’s face value. You should analyze the investment further to determine why the price has changed and forecast how that may change between today and when it matures. Diversification involves investing in bonds from various sectors and credit qualities to reduce risk.

what is a discount bond

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Discounts also occur when the bond supply exceeds demand when the bond’s credit rating is lowered, or when the perceived risk of default increases. Conversely, falling interest rates or an improved credit rating may cause a bond to trade at a premium. A bond issued at a discount has its market price below the face value, creating a capital appreciation upon maturity since the higher face value is paid when the bond matures. The bond discount is the difference by which a bond’s market price is lower than its face value.

A discount bond is offered at a lower price than the prevailing market rate. Buying the bond at a discount means that investors pay a price lower than the face value of the bond. However, it does not necessarily mean it offers better returns than other bonds. The higher rate in the economy decreases the value of the newly purchased bond due to paying a lower rate versus the market. That means if our investor wants to sell the bond on the secondary market, they will have to offer it for a lower price. Should the prevailing market interest rates rise enough to push the price or value of a bond below its face value, it’s referred to as a discount bond.

A distressed bond is one that is issued by a company that is financially distressed. When deciding whether to invest in bonds, it’s also important to look at the bigger picture to determine whether it’s a good fit for your investment strategy. Keeping the interest rate environment in focus can also help you to gauge which way bond prices are likely to move, at least in the near term. SmartAsset Advisors, LLC (“SmartAsset”), a wholly owned subsidiary of Financial Insight Technology, is registered with the U.S.

What Is a Distressed Bond?

This indicates the expected rate of return if the bond is held until maturity, considering the coupon payments and the purchase price. Bonds with longer times to maturity tend to have larger discounts because they are exposed to interest rate risk and credit risk for extended periods. When a discount bond is sold or matures, why does bookkeeping and accounting matter for law firms the investor may realize a capital gain, which is the difference between the bond’s purchase price and its sale or redemption price. Department of the Treasury and are backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government, making them among the safest investments.

Tax-Exempt Bonds

Factors such as interest rates, credit quality, time to maturity, and market conditions affect bond discounts. Bond funds are managed investment products that invest in a diversified portfolio of bonds. By investing in bond funds, investors can gain exposure to a broad range of discounted bonds without needing to actively manage individual bond holdings. By actively managing their portfolios, investors can respond to changes in interest rates, credit quality, and market demand, optimizing their bond investments. Yield to maturity is the total return expected from a bond if it is held until maturity.

Bond discount is the amount by which the market price of a bond is lower than its principal amount due at maturity. Rising interest rates generally lead to larger bond discounts, while falling interest rates reduce the discount. Tax-exempt bonds are generally exempt from federal income tax and may also be exempt from state and local taxes, depending on the investor’s residence and the issuing municipality. Issuing the bond at a discount allows the issuer to provide a higher yield without increasing the bond’s coupon rate. The same goes for credit quality – higher-quality bonds are priced higher than lower-quality bonds. The closer a bond is to its maturity date, the less its price will typically fluctuate.

The discount rate used in the discounted cash flow approach is the required rate of return for an investor. It reflects the prevailing market interest rates and the bond’s credit risk, adjusting the present value of future cash flows accordingly. The discounted cash flow approach calculates the bond discount by determining the present value of the bond’s future cash flows.

Table of Contents

Certain discount bonds, such as municipal bonds, may offer tax-exempt income, making them an attractive option for investors seeking tax-advantaged income. Bond funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are another way to invest in discount bonds. These funds pool investors’ how to calculate sales volume variance money and use it to purchase a diversified portfolio of bonds, including discount bonds. If there is strong demand for a particular bond or type of bond, issuers may issue bonds at a discount to capitalize on the market’s appetite for the security.

Bonds on the secondary market with fixed coupons will trade at discounts when market interest rates rise. While the investor receives the same coupon, the bond is discounted to match prevailing market yields. With changing interest rates, bond prices must adjust so that their YTM equals or is almost equal to the YTM of new bond issues. If interest rates are higher than the bond’s coupon rate, bond prices must decrease below the par value (discount bond) so that the YTM moves closer to the interest rates. Similarly, if interest rates drop below the coupon rate, bond prices rise above the par value.

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apsuser April 20, 2021 0 Comments

Курс доллара на сегодня и прогноз курса на завтра Коммерсантъ

как будет вести себя доллар

В центре внимания — результаты заседания ФРС США в июне, а также свежие экономические данные из Китая. В качестве позитивных новостей для энергетического, а вместе с ним и валютного рынков выступают сигналы о смягчении ДКП Китая и неожиданное понижение им ключевой кредитной ставки, которое произошло впервые за последние 10 месяцев. На текущей неделе рубль стремительно теряет позиции против ведущих мировых валют. В ходе торгов среды курс доллара на Московской бирже впервые с начала апреля 2022 года поднимался выше уровня 85 руб./$.

Санкции стали катализатором объективного процесса — дедолларизации мировой экономики, считает наш собеседник. Эксперты считают, что сильных колебаний курса доллара в течение года не предвидится. Партнерские проекты/материалы, новости компаний, материалы с пометкой «Промо» и «Официальное сообщение» опубликованы на коммерческой основе. Главный аналитик Совкомбанка Михаил Васильев также ожидает, что Банк России на ближайшем заседании 15 декабря повысит ключевую ставку еще на 100–200 б.п., до 16-17%. Таким образом, рынок нефти находится в ожидании дальнейших действий со стороны ОПЕК+, что может значительно повлиять на цены в ближайшие недели.

как будет вести себя доллар

Сегодня произошел резкий скачок курсов мировых валют на новостях о сокращении объема чистых операций Банка России по продаже юаней в сентябре до 200 млн руб. Тем не менее мы полагаем, что текущая реакция рынка носит скорее спекулятивный характер и продолжения тенденции не последует. Мы ожидаем, что курс доллара в видимой перспективе останется в рамках сложившегося диапазона 86–90 руб./$. В среду курс доллара протестировал отметку 85 руб., нашу базовую цель восходящего движения последних дней, и откатился ниже на фоне заметного улучшения ситуации на рынке нефти и конструктивного новостного потока с ПМЭФ. Оказывает поддержку и ослабление позиций доллара к мировым валютам, вызванное сегодня ожиданиями итогов заседания ФРС.

При цене нефти марки Urals 71 доллар за баррель, при том что средняя цена в декабре 2023 г. И в целом за год, по данным Минфина, составила 64,23 и 62,99 доллара за баррель соответственно. До конца недели мы ожидаем торги по паре доллар/рубль в диапазоне 83−85 руб./$. На прошлой неделе курс преодолел важный уровень в 80 руб./$, после которого открывается дорога для дальнейшего постепенного ослабления российской валюты. В среду курс уже тестировал отметку в 85 руб./$, что прогнозировалось нами как важный уровень сопротивления. Из важных событий до конца недели выделяем решение ФРС США по ставке, которое состоится в среду.

Как долго будет расти курс доллара

Поскольку только что такое своп американская валюта была привязана к золоту, золотые запасы многих стран были переданы на хранение в Федеральную резервную систему США. Советский Союз в конференции не участвовал, принятые решения не ратифицировал и не вносил золотой резерв. Большинство стран-участников конференции ратифицировало соглашение о создании Международного валютного фонда и Международного банка реконструкции и развития Всемирного банка, и эти соглашения вошли в силу.

Импортеры тоже оживут, потому что с разрешением параллельного импорта спрос на валюту с их стороны вырастет, отметил Ващенко. Донец и Мелащенко тоже полагают, что при рекордном профиците потенциал укрепления рубля будет ограничен за счет чистого оттока капитала и потенциального наращивания резервов ЦБ в доступных для регулятора формах. Например, в 2015 году тоже был рост профицита текущего счета, хотя и в меньших масштабах, но он не смог компенсировать отток капитала и привел к ослаблению рубля, отметили эксперты. В некоторых блогах и на форумах обсуждают, что рубль может значительно укрепиться — до ₽40, ₽50 или ₽60 за доллар. Причины — снижение импорта, контроль движения капитала со стороны властей, международные ограничения на инвестиции и прогнозы о том, что профицит текущего счета платежного баланса в России в 2022 году достигнет нового рекорда. В ходе торгов в пятницу курс доллара на внебиржевом рынке составил 90,64 руб./$, что на 58 копеек ниже, чем в конце предыдущей недели.

как будет вести себя доллар

Мнения и прогнозы аналитиков о том, как будет вести себя рубль на внебиржевом рынке

  1. В фокусе внимания участников рынка помимо монетарных сигналов остаются геополитика, макроэкономические маркеры, общерыночные настроения, ситуация на рынке рублевого долга.
  2. Однако экспортный приток может оказаться меньше, чем в предыдущие месяцы с учетом временного лага в фактическом поступлении средств.
  3. По мнению аналитика финансовой группы «Финам» Александра Потавина, если избыток предложения валюты на рынке задержится, то есть импорт не оживет, а капитальные ограничения не отменят, то рубль может и дальше продолжить укрепление.
  4. Из-за падения в начале декабря котировок нефти марки Urals в среднесрочной перспективе можно ожидать сокращения валютной выручки российских нефтяников, говорит аналитик ФГ «Финам» Александр Потавин.

«Если инфляция ускорится, то и со стороны населения, и со стороны банков спрос на валюту вырастет. На фоне высокой инфляции и роста рублевой массы национальная валюта будет слабеть», — рассказал эксперт. «Сценарий укрепления курса мне кажется очень маловероятным», — рассказала Орлова.

Путин объяснил, почему дни господства доллара сочтены

«Полагаем, что в декабре валютные поступления снизятся на 10–15% относительно уровней октября-ноября. Следовательно, укрепление курса рубля до конца года маловероятно», — считает аналитик. К концу недели волатильность снизилась, а курс закрепился в районе 12 руб./CNY и 88 руб./$. Коррекционное ослабление рубля происходило на фоне устойчивого снижения объемов биржевых торгов юанем. В ближайшие 1,5–2 недели тренд к умеренному ослаблению рубля может быть продолжен. Однако в конце июля вероятен разворот к укреплению национальной валюты.

Мнения и прогнозы аналитиков о том, как будет вести себя внебиржевой курс доллара

Глава государства сказал, что доллар стал ведущей мировой валютой сразу после завершения Второй мировой войны. А кандидат экономических наук Михаил Беляев напомнил, что статус доллара был закреплён ещё чуть раньше – в июле 1944 года на Бреттон-Вудской конференции. Дедолларизация мировой экономики – необратимый процесс, заявил на пленарной сессии Восточного экономического форума Владимир Путин. Во вторник страны «Большой семерки» (G7 — Великобритания, Германия, Италия, Канада, Франция, Япония и США) анонсировали новый санкционный пакет против России, о его фактическом содержании станет известно 6 декабря, сообщает ммсис Reuters. Несмотря на ранее озвученные намерения группы о возможном пересмотре этих планов в зависимости от рыночной ситуации, на данный момент нет признаков того, что запланированное увеличение добычи будет отложено. Анонимные высокопоставленные источники подтвердили, что текущие обсуждения не предполагают изменения курса.

На NYMEX аналогичные фьючерсы на WTI снизились на 2,42%, составив $74,07 за баррель. Доллар, который пока нужен всем, ты продаешь фактически по его цене, котировкам. Зачем предпринимателю рупии, если при обращении индийской валюты в востребованную валюту он теряет торговая площадка олимп трейд деньги? Получается, продекларировать расчёты в национальных валютах легче, чем реализовать этот механизм на практике», — пояснил ситуацию Беляев.

На вопрос о том, возможен ли доллар по ₽50, она отметила, что такой прогноз будет означать полную потерю конкурентоспособности российской промышленности, российских товаров по сравнению с товарами других стран. «Поэтому такое движение с точки зрения последствий для экономики будет очень и очень печальным», — полагает экономист. По мнению руководителя департамента по работе на финансовых и фондовых рынках ПАО «Норвик Банк» Алексея Суханова, укреплению рубля способствует профицитный торговый баланс, когда экспорт превалирует над импортом.

Но, на наш взгляд, это будет, скорее, временным движением — такая ситуация, по нашему мнению, продлится до лета, когда ситуация с импортом, как мы рассчитываем, стабилизируется», — полагает эксперт. «Текущий счет остается достаточным для поддержки укрепления рубля, вплоть до ₽60–70 за доллар, при действии мер по ограничению движения капитала», — полагают экономисты. В то же время, ставки на межбанковском кредитном рынке в пятницу показали рост по сравнению с предыдущим днем. Согласно данным Центрального банка, эталонная процентная ставка RUONIA по кредитам «овернайт» за 29 августа увеличилась на 45 базисных пунктов и составила 18,45% годовых.

Даже с учетом последующей коррекции курс закрылся на отметке 84,17 руб./$, что на 1,57 руб. Росту доллара США способствует уменьшение предложения валюты со стороны экспортеров, а также растущий импорт в страну и спрос на валюту со стороны населения и уходящих из страны иностранных компаний. Рубль остается стабильным, окончание налогового периода привело лишь к умеренному ослаблению национальной валюты. Среди негативных факторов стоит выделить сокращение поддержки рубля со стороны ЦБ и бюджетного правила, однако возросшие мировые цены на нефть должны позволить минимизировать негативный эффект. По мере адаптации импортеров к сложностям с внешними платежами спрос на валюту будет расти, что может привести к плавному ослаблению рубля в ближайшие недели.

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apsuser March 22, 2021 0 Comments

How to Calculate Par Value in Financial Accounting The Motley Fool

par value of stock

In addition, though, you are entitled to fixed dividend payments, like a bond’s fixed interest payments. Some common stock may also offer dividends, but these are normally at lower rates and are more likely to be foregone if a company has a hard quarter or year. While preferred stocks’ dividends are not guaranteed like bond interest payments, they are much less likely to be waived. If the coupon rate equals the interest rate, the bond will trade at its par value. If interest rates rise, the price of a lower-coupon bond must decline to offer the same yield to investors, causing it to trade below its par value.

par value of stock

No-par value stocks do not carry the theoretical liabilities of par value issues since there is no baseline value per share. However, since companies assign minimal par values if they must, there’s little effective difference between a par stock and a no-par stock. In addition, common stock’s par value has no relationship to its dividend payment rate. Instead, common stock dividends are generally paid as a certain dollar value per share you own.

About The Motley Fool

  1. Nominal value of common stock will usually be much lower than its market value due to supply / demand considerations while the nominal value of preferred stock should be more in line with its market value.
  2. Learn how the company has created wealth for its long-term investors.
  3. The line items used for its reporting in the statement of cash flows are “issuance of common stock,” if the common shares are sold, and “issuance of preferred stock,” if the preferred shares are sold.
  4. When you buy bonds, you’re lending money for a set amount of time to an issuer, like a government, municipality or corporation.
  5. The coupon rate is the interest payment made to bondholders, annually or semi-annually, as compensation for loaning the bond issuer money.

In modern times, the par value assigned is a minimal amount, such as one penny. That avoids any potential legal liability if the stock drops below its par value. Most individual investors buy bonds because they represent a safe haven investment. The yield is paid in regular installments, providing income until the bond matures.

The par value for a bond is often $1,000 or $100, the usual denominations in which they are issued. For instance, the prices of bonds and preferred stock are very sensitive to changes in interest rates. When interest rates are lower than the coupon rate of a bond, or dividend rate of a preferred stock, the market price rises. When interest rates are higher than the coupon or dividend rate, the price falls. Par value, face value, and nominal value all refer to the same thing.

Nominal Value: What It Means, Formulas for Calculating It

par value of stock

As the par value is often no more than a few pennies, it’s a formality to meet certain states’ legal requirements for securities or to help manage taxes for companies. Ultra-low par values also allow founders and early investors to buy shares in startups without expending a lot of capital. As with bonds and preferred stock, the final market value of a common stock has no relationship to its par value. For instance, if you bought a newly issued share of preferred stock with a par value of $25 and a 5% coupon rate, you’d receive $1.25 per share in dividends per year. Similar to bonds, when you buy preferred stock on the secondary market, the effective interest rate changes depending on market value versus par value.

Impact on statement of cash flows

The nominal value of a bond will vary from its market value based on market interest rates. Par values are typically used as pricing measures for bond and preferred stock buyers. Investors buy and sell bonds at prices that are above par (at a premium), below par (at a discount), or at par. Companies issue corporate bonds with a par value of up to $1,000, while par values for government and agency bonds may be higher or lower than $1,000. Treasury bonds is $100 while the par value for Ginnie Mae bonds is a minimum of $25,000. The total value of assets reported on a company’s balance sheet only reflects the cost of the assets at the time of the transaction.

In practice, the issuance of stock at a discount (i.e., below its par value) is not usual because it is legally prohibited in many countries and states. This legal restriction partially explains why companies mostly choose a very low par value for their stock. The additional paid-in capital is a part of total paid up capital that increases the stockholders’ equity. For example, if nominal gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate is 5.5% for a given year and the related annual inflation rate is 2%, then the real GDP growth rate for the year is 3.5%. Par can also refer to a bond’s original issue value or its value upon redemption at maturity. Founded in 1993, The Motley Fool is a financial services company dedicated to making the world smarter, happier, and richer.

What Is the Relationship Between Coupon Rate and Par Value?

A bond that is trading above par is being sold at a premium and offers a coupon rate higher than the prevailing interest rates. Investors will pay more, as the yield or return is expected to be higher. On the other hand, a plain english accounting bond that is trading below par is on a discount trade, has a lower interest rate than the current market and it is sold at a lower price.

Par value is required for a bond or a fixed-income instrument and shows its maturity value and the dollar value of the coupon, or interest, payments due to the bondholder. Most jurisdictions do not allow a company to issue stock below par value. Because shares of stocks will frequently have a par value near zero, the market value is nearly always higher than par. Rather than looking to purchase shares below par value, investors make money on the changing value of a stock over time based on company performance and investor sentiment. This “no-par” status means that the company has not assigned a minimum value to its stock.

The coupon rate is the interest payment made to bondholders, annually or semi-annually, as compensation for loaning the bond issuer money. Par value is the face value of a bond and determines a bond or fixed-income instrument’s maturity value as well as the dollar value of coupon payments. The market price of a bond may be above or below par, depending on factors such as the level of interest rates and its credit status.

To the average investor, the par value of a bond is quite relevant, while the par value of a stock is something of an anachronism. In most cases, the par value of the stock today is little more than an accounting concern, and a relatively minor one at that. Shares cannot be sold below this value upon initial public offering to reassure investors that no one is receiving preferential price treatment. Volatility profiles based on trailing-three-year calculations of the standard deviation of service investment returns. On AT&T’s balance sheet, that number shows up as 6,495 because all figures are expressed in millions of dollars.

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apsuser March 22, 2021 0 Comments

Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism: Signs, Symptoms, and Diagnosis

alcohol addiction

Severity is based on the number of criteria a person meets based on their symptoms—mild (2–3 criteria), moderate (4–5 criteria), or severe (6 or more criteria). If AUD is not treated, it can increase your risk for serious health problems. After completing treatment for AUD, it’s possible to have a risk of relapse. It’s important to recognize warning signs and seek help if you’re concerned about having a relapse.

It is rare that someone would go to treatment once and then never drink again. More often, people try to quit or cut back over time, experience recurrences, learn from them, and then continue on their recovery journey. For many, continued follow-up with a treatment provider is critical for overcoming alcohol problems. The provider can help adjust the treatment plan and aid long-term recovery. It is important to gauge whether the facility provides all the currently available, evidence-based methods or relies on one approach. You may want to learn if the program or provider offers medication and whether mental health issues are addressed together with alcohol treatment.

Alcohol misuse can adversely affect a person’s health, quality of life, and relationships. Some people are surprised to learn that there are medications on the market approved to treat AUD. The newer types of these medications work by offsetting changes in the brain caused by AUD.

  1. Overall, gather as much information as you can about a program or provider before making a decision on treatment.
  2. Becoming cognitively impaired from excessive drinking of alcohol can lead to risky behaviors that can result in injury or death of an affected person or of others.
  3. Primary care and mental health providers can provide effective AUD treatment by combining new medications with brief counseling visits.
  4. Combined with treatment led by health care providers, mutual-support groups can offer a valuable added layer of support.
  5. If you have a concern that you have AUD, you can see a health professional for consultation.
  6. People should also note that those with AUD may already be dehydrated, and further dehydration due to exercise may place people at an increased risk of seizures.


Alcoholics Anonymous® (also known as “AA”) and other 12-step programs provide peer support for people quitting or cutting back on their drinking. Combined with treatment led by health care providers, mutual-support groups can offer a valuable added layer of support. Just as some people with diabetes or asthma may have flare-ups of their disease, a return to drinking can be seen as a temporary setback to full recovery and not as a failure. Most people benefit from regular checkups with a treatment provider. Medications can also deter how to wean off 10 mg prozac drinking during times when individuals may be at greater risk for a return to drinking (e.g., divorce, death of a family member).

alcohol addiction

Contact your primary care provider, health insurance plan, local health department, or employee assistance program for information about specialty treatment. Just like any other medical condition, people with substance use disorders deserve to have a range of treatment options available to them. Scientists are working to develop a larger menu of pharmaceutical treatments that could be tailored to individual needs. If you have any of these symptoms, alcohol may already be a cause for concern. The more symptoms you have, the more urgent the need for change. A health care provider can look at the number, pattern, and severity of symptoms to see whether AUD is present and help you decide the best course of action.

What Are the Types of Treatment for Alcohol Use Disorder?

When this occurs repeatedly over time, and when it begins to impact your health and your life, alcohol misuse can become AUD. The disorder can also be broken down further into mild, moderate, and severe subtypes. If a person believes that they are misusing alcohol, they should consider seeking medical help. Early intervention can help prevent some of the negative consequences of drinking.

Impact on your safety

There’s a chance your doctor may order blood work to check your liver function if you show signs or symptoms of liver disease. Using alcohol during adolescence (from preteens to mid-20s) may affect brain development, making it more likely that they will be diagnosed with AUD later in life. However, most people with AUD—no matter their age or the severity of their alcohol problems—can benefit from treatment with behavioral health therapies, medications, or both. As individuals continue to drink alcohol over time, progressive changes may occur in the structure and function how long after clonazepam can you drink alcohol of their brains. These changes can compromise brain function and drive the transition from controlled, occasional use to chronic misuse, which can be difficult to control. The changes can endure long after a person stops consuming alcohol, and can contribute to relapse in drinking.

An inpatient program can last anywhere from 30 days to a year. It can help someone handle withdrawal symptoms and emotional challenges. Outpatient treatment provides daily support while allowing the person to live at home. It is the inability to control drinking, even when it negatively affects a person’s life. The person consuming alcohol may develop tolerance and experience withdrawal symptoms when trying to cut back.

They’ll do a physical exam and ask you questions about your drinking habits. A health care provider might ask the following questions to assess a person’s symptoms. Caring for a person who has problems with alcohol can be very stressful. It is important that as you try to help your loved one, you also find a way to take care of yourself. It may help to seek support from others, including friends, family, community, and support groups. If you are developing your own symptoms of depression or anxiety, think about seeking professional help for yourself.


Other names for AUD include alcohol misuse, alcohol dependence, alcohol addiction, and alcoholism. Risk factors for developing AUD include a family history of alcohol misuse, mental health conditions, and starting alcohol use at a young age. Based on clinical experience, many health care providers believe that support from friends and family members is important in overcoming alcohol problems.

Keep paying attention to your loved one when they are doing better or simply making an effort. Too often we are so angry or discouraged that we take it for granted when things are going better. A word of appreciation or acknowledgment of a success can go a long way. You will want to understand what will be asked of you in order to decide what treatment best suits your needs.

A national survey published in 2019 reported that 14.1 million adults (5.6%) and 414,000 adolescents aged years (1.7%) were experiencing AUD in 2019 in the United States. If you’re thinking about suicide, are worried about a friend or loved one, or would like emotional support, the Lifeline network is available 24/7 across the United States. Currently, there are three medications approved for AUD in the United States, and they are an effective and important aid in the treatment of people with this condition. Ultimately, there is no one-size-fits-all solution, and what may work for one person may not be a good fit for someone else.

Each of these fee-based tools has a research base that shows its potential to help people cut down or quit drinking. You may be able to better compare your options by assessing whether and how the program or provider measures success. In some people, the initial reaction may feel like an increase in energy. But as you continue to drink, you become drowsy and have less control over your actions. If you have a concern that you have AUD, you can see a health professional for consultation. They may ask you about your drinking habits and health history.

But alcohol misuse can also be about how or when you drink. For example, any alcohol consumption by a pregnant person how to know if you got roofied can be considered alcohol misuse, as well as drinking under the legal age of 21. Licensed therapists work with people who are misusing alcohol to help them stop drinking.

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apsuser September 17, 2020 0 Comments

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apsuser January 1, 2020 0 Comments