Лицо профессии Знакомьтесь, DevOps-инженер!

Но сама культура DevOps не предполагает появления новых должностей. Она лишь по-другому распределяет ответственности devops инструменты между существующими должностями. На самом деле это не инструмент, не программное обеспечение и даже не название должности. Итак, что такое DevOps и какие проблемы решают инженеры DevOps?

Какова роль DevOps в разработке продукта

Больше инфы здесь career.netpeak.ua/…evops-engineer-ringostat. Спасибо за помощь в написании статьи Алексею Асютину и еще 5 украинским DevOps инженерам, которые поделились с DOU таинствами своей профессии. В этой статье мы разобрались, кто такой DevOps Engineer, какие обязанности он выполняет, а также какие навыки и инструменты ему необходимы для этого. Прогнозируется, что глобальный рынок облачных вычислений вырастет до $832,1 млрд к 2025 году с увеличением спроса на лучшую масштабируемость бизнеса, надежность и доступность информации. А значит и карьерные возможности в этой сфере также будут расти.

Сколько зарабатывает DevOps Engineer — и стоит ли игра свеч

В любом случае роли DevOps являются кросс-функциональными, что предполагает глубокие знания и практический опыт. DevOps Engineer – это тот, кто способен выходить за рамки, видеть более широкую картину и планировать инфраструктуру, жонглируя между кодированием и тестированием, наблюдая и облегчая развертывание кода. Движение DevOps началось в 2008 году, когда сообщества разработчиков программного обеспечения и операторов стали обеспокоены тем, как IT-компании поставляют программное обеспечение. Разработчики считали, что, если они смогут запускать свой код в локальной среде, то на продакшене тоже проблем не возникнет. После этого команда эксплуатации пыталась развернуть код.

– Какие знания нужны для того, чтобы стать DevOps-инженером?

Да, спрос всегда был высокий, но за неимением квалифицированных кадров клиенты идут на уступки и готовы предлагать привлекательные условия для инженера. ➕ Обычно в DevOps-инженеры переходят из системных администраторов, которым уже не так интересна их профессия или которые недовольны заработной платой. Опыт администрирования обычно закрывает часть Ops, поэтому для начала нужно только покрыть базовую часть Dev.

Что входит в обязанности DevOps Engineer

devops-инженер кто это

А дальше – поделиться деталями проекта и сотрудничать в процессе работы. Команды IT-компаний, как правило, имеют большой опыт работы с крупными, сложными и интересными проектами. Многие ИТ-компании хотят внедрить методологию development operations в свои процессы разработки, поэтому DevOps инженеры становятся все более и более востребованными на рынке труда.

Более 1500 компаний по всему миру где работают

Конечно, можно выделить человека или команду, который поставит процесс и инструменты, но это будет продуктовая команда для разработки DevOps tools, а не команда DevOps инженеров. DevOps – это не профессия, а методика, направленная на улучшение качества программного обеспечения. Это культура, которая способствует гибким отношениям. 69% компаний во всем мире используют облачные вычисления для своей работы — следовательно, все больше работников сталкиваются с необходимостью получить новые знания.

Причем первое, что надо сделать, убрать роль DevOps-инженера как таковую. Потом произошло то, что всегда происходит при переходе к массовому производству, — отраслевое разделение. Появились админы, которые управляли инфраструктурой приложения, и разработчики, которые это приложение разрабатывали.

devops-инженер кто это

DevOps инженер – это тот специалист, который всегда ищет новые знания, возможности и варианты для улучшения процессов разработки и эксплуатации. Учебный центр «Сетевые Технологии» поможет сделать первые уверенные шаги в сфере DevOps – связаться с нами. На деле же все эти суброли выполняет один человек или же несколько ролей другой специалист.

Программисты не знают о том как будет разворачиваться их код, как на продакшене он будет интегрироваться с другими приложениями и как связываются 2 или 3 сервиса в один. У каждого из них своя история, но это точно всегда истории о «values» — когда инженеры показывают сверхрезультаты, и вырастают из рамок своей ответственности. Резюмируя, делаешь больше — больше получаешь, очень простая истина. Например, у меня получилось дорасти до Head of Infrastructure. Еще есть суперский вариант перейти в SRE, если есть особая, сильная любовь к программированию. SRE — новая огромная тема, которую я затрону в следующей статье.

  • То есть реально стать Senior или Architect после 3-4 лет, но это скорее исключение, чем правило.
  • Краеугольным камнем DevOps является непрерывная интеграция.
  • Что список инструментов и технологий будет у каждого свой.
  • Хотя эта черта характера полезна всем IT-специалистам.
  • Кроме того, Global Market Insights прогнозирует рост рынка DevOps с $7 млрд в 2021 году до $30 млрд в 2028 году.

Любая компания, связанная с разработкой или внедрением программного обеспечения, стремится двигаться быстрее и быть как можно гибче. Для этого требуется максимальная вовлеченность разработчиков во все стадии жизненного цикла процесса разработки ПО. Давайте задумаемся, с чего начинается и чем заканчивается этот цикл программного обеспечения. Начинается с планирования — это знают практически все. Когда заканчивается вовлеченность разработчика в процесс?

Но со временем термин стал использоваться и для обозначения человека, который занимается интеграцией разных IT-процессов здесь и сейчас. Программа курса для тех, кто хочет стать профессионалом в сфере DevOps и эффективно решать поставленные задачи. Сегодня мы продолжаем развивать и давать студентам навыки, необходимые работодателям и современному бизнесу – без сухой теории.

DevOps-специалисты работают над оптимизацией цикла выпуска, чтобы устранить потерю времени и внедрить иные методы продвижения процесса (например, новое программное обеспечение). Мы уже рассказали все о профессиях QA-инженера, Frontend-разработчика, UI/UX-дизайнера и теперь хотим написать о не менее популярной и востребованной профессии в сфере IT — devOps-инженере. Сегодня эти специалисты зарабатывают не хуже, чем Frontend или Backend-разработчики и эта тенденция будет только возрастать.

Кроме хард скиллов, для девопса важны и софт скиллы, которые напрямую влияют коммуникацию между разработчиками, тестировщиками и системными администраторами. Это помогает быстрее выявлять и решать проблемы, а также улучшать качество и скорость разработки продуктов. Для централизованного контроля и управления настройками систем и приложений, девопсы используют Puppet или Chef. А для создания единой инфраструктуры используют системы управления версиями, непрерывной интеграции и развертывания (CI/CD).

Хотя эта черта характера полезна всем IT-специалистам. Наша отрасль построена на американской корпоративной парадигме, где основой является постоянная коммуникация. Они находятся в центре команды по разработке и контактируют со всеми участниками процесса. Новичкам в профессии необязательно разбираться во всех существующих инструментах для внедренияDevOps-практик. Однако, Junior DevOps engineer должен уметь работать сотдельными типами инструментов, которые позволяют поддерживатьIT-инфраструктуру на разных этапах жизненного цикла проекта согласнометодологии.

IT курсы онлайн от лучших специалистов в своей отросли https://deveducation.com/ here.

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apsuser December 7, 2022 0 Comments

Как вести дневник трейдера, чтобы улучшить свою торговлю на рынке

С дневником вы не просто трейдер; вы трейдер, который знает, что делает, и делает это с разумом и расчетом. Не упускайте https://www.xcritical.com/ шанс стать лучше — начните вести торговый дневник трейдера уже сегодня. Хватит откладывать успех на завтра, когда он может начаться уже сейчас.

Улучшайте свою торговлю при помощи трёх шагов

Что он с вами сделает, можно описать лишь нецензурными словами. Он должен быть для вас самым важным инструментом трейдинга. Вы можете представить себе инженера, что возводит здание «из ума», без какого-либо четкого плана, сметы, без выполнения строительных норм? Но в трейдинге дневник трейдера криптовалют вы такие «дома» увидите сплошь и рядом.

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Дневник, Калькулятор и Статистика трейдинга онлайн

“Зачем вести этот дневник, если все и так хорошо? А вот здесь и кроется главная ошибка многих трейдеров. Дневник позволяет не просто фиксировать сделки или эмоции (хотя это тоже важно), но и анализировать, на что именно стоит обратить внимание. Не понимая своих ошибок, вы обречены их повторять. А в трейдинге это стоит денег, иногда — очень больших. Как трейдер будет находить свои ошибки, как просчитать успех торговой системы, как понять что мешает прибыльно торговать, наконец как составить план доходности по бизнесу трейдинга?

Лучшие таймфреймы для торговли.

И если вы хотите действительно чему-то научиться на этом рынке, вам нужно непрерывно фиксировать свои достижения. Детализированный, любимый дневник — это великолепный инструмент, практически заменяющий этого гипотетического тренера. Такая таблица даст вам массу возможностей для анализа совершенных сделок.

торговый дневник трейдера

Достоинства встроенного дневника трейдера ATAS

торговый дневник трейдера

На самом деле вопросов гораздо больше по правильной работе на рынке. Но не имея дневника,трейдеру невозможно будет ответить для себя на подобные вопросы. Типовые формы торговых журналов для валютных спекулянтов можно без особого труда найти в интернете. Как вариант, можно легко скачать дневник трейдера на многочисленных тематических сайтах, связанных с Форекс.

торговый дневник трейдера

Размеры сделок и их влияние на общую статистику

Торговый журнал хранит информацию о всех сделках – и это особенно ценно для новичков. Всегда можно вернуться назад и проследить собственную динамику, оценить прогресс и проделать работу над ошибками. В этой статье я расскажу вам, зачем нужен дневник сделок каждому трейдеру. Как его использовать так, чтобы ведение дневника кратно увеличило ваши заработки на крипторынке. Чтобы повысить дисциплину своей торговли на финансовых рынках, улучшить собственную торговую стратегию, понять себя и свое место на бирже — заведите дневник трейдера.

Фигуры технического анализа – Лучшие паттерны в трейдинге

Все это чрезвычайно помогло мне отфильтровать, где его надо использовать, где можно, а где категорически нельзя. Как известно, технический анализ — не строгая наука, а борьба с теорией вероятности, с математическим ожиданием. Поэтому не существует 100% правил для открытия сделки — но есть зоны повышенной вероятности.

Именно поэтому эта статья посвящена дневнику трейдера, и тому, как дневник трейдера может улучшить вашу дисциплину. В торговле на финансовых рынках каждая секунда на вес золота. Если вы думаете, что работа заканчивается в тот момент, когда звонок на бирже говорит “Хватит на сегодня! Именно в этот момент начинается самая важная часть вашего дня — анализ собственной работы.

  • Именно в этот момент начинается самая важная часть вашего дня — анализ собственной работы.
  • Пусть это даже пересечение скользящих, почему нет.
  • И делая анализ всех сделок с помощью дневника трейдера, вы корректируете свою торговую стратегию, вычисляете слабые стороны и определяете, что в вашей торговле работает, а что нет.
  • EdgeWonk — это как швейцарский нож в мире торговых дневников.
  • Получатель видит только анонимные сделки, конфиденциальная информация ему не известна.

В большинстве иных онлайн-платформ сведения о совершенных сделках/операциях регистрируются аналогичным образом. Чтобы оценивать результативность трейдинга на Форекс, вышеперечисленной информации спекулянту может быть вполне достаточно. Однако опытные инвесторы Форекс настоятельно рекомендуют вести торговый журнал – своеобразный дневник сделок трейдера. Таким образом, без регулярного ведения Форекс-дневника инвестор не сможет стать профессионалом в сфере онлайн-трейдинга.

Все трейдеры, кого я знаю, ведут дневники, многие по 10 и более лет (так потом появляются и трейдерские книги). Записывайте все, что имеет отношение к делу, не ленитесь. Если вы играли в Танки во время сделки и забыли записать ее результаты — так и отмечайте это в дневнике. Это все равно, что план тренировок для спортсмена. Они больше времени проводят за практикой и тренировками, чем на соревнованиях — делайте выводы. Чем больше вы проводите времени за анализом ваших сделок, тем проще вам будет со сделками реальными.

Никто не застрахован от неудач и ошибок, и часто они стоят дорого. Возможно, я проигнорировал какие-то сигналы или переоценил риск. Так или иначе, я стараюсь быть к себе честным и не упускать возможность для самосовершенствования. Если сделка не удалась, это не конец света; это шанс стать лучше и добиться успеха.

Размер сделки должен быть частью вашей торговой системы, которую вы заранее прописываете в дневнике. Учтите его при расчете потенциальной прибыли и убытков. Осознанно выбирайте размер каждой сделки, это не тот аспект торговли, в котором стоит полагаться на интуицию. TheTrader – это сервис для трейдеров, предоставляющий удобный журнал сделок.

Для частного спекулянта, желающего добиться реального успеха в Форекс-трейдинга, не стоит вопрос о том, нужно ли вести дневник собственных сделок. Целесообразность надлежащей регистрации совершаемых операций не вызывает сомнений. Инвестору следует определиться с тем, какие именно сведения нужно фиксировать в Форекс-дневнике, а также выбрать подходящий способ отражения данных.

Далее мы расскажем про 5 лучших дневников трейдера, которые помогут вам с качественным анализом торговой истории. Главный секрет любого успешного трейдера — постоянное обучение и анализ собственных побед и поражений. Только так можно усовершенствовать торговую стратегию (а делать это нужно постоянно) и проработать свои слабые стороны. Соответствующие опции присутствуют в современных мобильных телефонах – смартфонах, позволяющих оперативно создавать качественные видеоролики. Кроме того, можно использовать специальные приложения для персональных компьютеров, веб-камеры.

И главное — избавит вас от импульсивных входов, потому что вы забыли, как это делали ранее. Записи ваших сделок помогают контролировать не только процесс торгов, но и эмоции. Они показывают полную картину вашей борьбы с рынком. Но если вы используете торговую платформу ATAS, вам повезло.

Скажем, вы хотите узнать, что произойдет с вашим портфелем, если процент успешных сделок увеличится на 5%? EdgeWonk покажет вам прогноз на основе вашей прошлой деятельности. Эта возможность “поиграть” с данными не просто интересна, она дает ценные инсайты для оптимизации торговой стратегии. Если вы стремитесь к тщательному, научному подходу в трейдинге, EdgeWonk будет отличным выбором. Ещё одним вариантом ведения электронного Форекс-дневника может являться регулярная публикация собственных сделок в тематических сообществах социальных сетей, форумов, иных онлайн-ресурсов. Это может быть отдельная страница, группа или, как вариант, блог трейдера.

Трейдер создает ссылку на торговый день и передает ее получателю. Получатель видит только анонимные сделки, конфиденциальная информация ему не известна. Скринер помогает трейдеру следить за рынком и находить ситуации для сделок. Фишка нашего криптовалютного скринера – он умеет выбирать волатильные монеты, которые сейчас “в игре”. Возможно, не все описанные здесь приемы вам пригодятся, и это нормально – дневник делается под себя. Нужно лишь начать, далее вы сами разберетесь, как его вести.

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apsuser November 17, 2022 0 Comments

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In the past, fears about data loss when switching from one CRM to another has held many Forex brokerages back. By linking all trading related activity directly to Impact CRM, data collection is more efficient and timelier. It offers the benefits of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and more specifically Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) is highly effective at processing this data. Automated workflow simplifies tasks, saving time and cost by triggering actions based on events like account openings and deposits, freeing up valuable team resources.

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UpTrader CRM is the ultimate software solution for brokerage firms, offering a variety of tools to manage customer relationships and automate administrative processes. This system includes a back office, trader’s room, and copy trading software that can be connected to all favored trading platforms like MT4, MT5, or cTrader. Apptivo CRM caters to businesses seeking a comprehensive solution encompassing various aspects of their operations. This feature-rich platform offers a broad range of functionalities beyond essential client management.

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Syntellicore’s compliance management enhances efficiency with dynamic and managed questionnaires, intelligent risk detection, and precise KYC scoring. This robust system simplifies the regulated onboarding process, ensuring compliance and data security while adapting seamlessly to each customer’s specific needs. This is the sixth UpTrader’s Forex CRM module, specifically designed for the sales departments of brokerage firms. The module was developed based on extensive customer development and with the participation of brokers. Weblate comes bundled with B2Broker’s products, providing efficient, centralized translation management for all purchased solutions.

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As a broker, you have to provide users with complete control over their trading activities. For example, Binance gives copy traders full control over how their margin gets used for opening positions. Users can either pick a “margin ratio” (percentage of margin used to open a position) or the exact amount used by the leader.

Finding the Best Forex CRM Software in 2024

Integrating a copy trading platform into your brokerage can provide you with numerous benefits, setting you apart from the competition and establishing your firm as a “client-centric” organization. A modern and intuitive CRM platform designed specifically for high-velocity sales teams, with a strong focus on lead management and pipeline visibility. However, eventually you will have to switch to a CRM designed specifically for forex brokerages (such as UpTrader) once your organization starts scaling. A versatile and customizable CRM solution that offers a wide range of features, including AI-powered analytics and process automation.

In this piece, we will discuss the importance of the best CRM software for forex brokers and list some of the most optimal choices available in the current market. Mid-sized forex brokerages have entered the market to accommodate the rising demand, accommodating the needs of retail investors with affordable commission charges and personalised services. The modern forex landscape has progressed tremendously in the 2020s, with numerous new brokerages emerging to simplify investment opportunities for retail forex traders. As a result, the retail forex audience grew astronomically starting in the 2020s, with numerous individuals trying their luck in forex trading. The vast majority of successful forex traders already depend on AI to reduce the risk factor in their trades. They use bots and different kinds of AI forex trading programs to automate many complex processes that take valuable time to perform.

  • CRM or Customer Relationship Management is a software program designed keeping in mind the need to gather all sectors of customer information on a single platform.
  • CRM helps brokers understand and connect with customers, traders, and novice market participants, enhancing connections with existing customers and potential clients.
  • Client registration, KYC, deposits and withdrawals are attended to by the operation staff.
  • After converting leads to sales you surely need to keep your clients loyal to your brand.
  • B2Core offers functionalities such as supporting digital trading platforms, managing users and incorporating security features.

A successful CRM can help brokers gain a competitive advantage and generate a good return on investment. CRM helps brokers understand and connect with customers, traders, and novice market participants, enhancing connections with existing customers and potential clients. Choosing a Forex CRM platform for your brokerage is a crucial choice that impacts all areas of your company. The appropriate CRM software or provider can simplify your processes, improve customer happiness, and boost sales efficiency.

Your ability to do this in a timely and efficient manner has an effect on trader satisfaction level thereby leading to loyalty rate. In forex trading, independent brokers are vital stakeholders, providing significant business to a forex broker or trading company. This is why forex brokers need to create and maintain strong relationships with these independent brokers to remain competitive in the business.

Client account management allows businesses to Track deposits, withdrawals, account balances, and transaction history for all clients in a single location. In the modern field, CRM solutions encompass numerous different functions that are vital for brokerages and similar trading companies. From client onboarding and nurturing to managing operations, generating reports and monitoring business success, the latest CRM solutions can be invaluable in your business process. Our FXOD CRM of Trade Soft will guide your agents to carry out the appropriate strategy to engage and capture more leads.

A centrally available data access platform provides for smooth execution of various activities. As suggested by the name itself, CRM provides a management solution for proper customer relationships. With CRM integrated with your Forex platform, everything starting from acquiring potential lead to converting it in the customer and finally closing it with an opportunity. Syntellicore is fully integrated with Zendesk, keeping all communication with potential and existing customers made through Zendesk Chat, consolidated into each customer’s record.

It should also adapt to feature expansion, offering customisation options to align functionalities with evolving operational needs. A reliable Forex CRM system should include comprehensive reporting and analytics, allowing for in-depth insights into client behaviours, preferences, trading patterns, and market trends. Forex CRM software can offer customer support, allowing teams to focus on important tasks and improve productivity. With the advent of chatbots, Forex CRM software can manage most customer support functions and resolve customer issues in real time, allowing teams to focus on more important objectives. With cloud option for Forex CRM, the data acquired is never misplaced, destroyed or lost.

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apsuser November 1, 2022 0 Comments

Love Addiction: What It Really Means and How to Handle It

how to stop loving an addict

Unfortunately, learning how to let go of an addict you love is much easier said than done. You can’t take care of your loving an addict partner by neglecting your personal needs. BetterHelp can connect you to an addiction and mental health counselor.

Press Play for Advice On Finding Help for Alcohol Addiction

how to stop loving an addict

Substance use disorders affect biological functioning, dominating the brain’s reward system, affecting emotional regulation, motivation, impulse control, and pleasure-seeking behaviors. The brain and body become dependent on an outside substance to create feelings of happiness and well-being—and, at advanced stages of the disease, to simply maintain the ability to function. If you’re asking yourself if a drug addict can love, seeking counseling and learning about addiction can be helpful. It’s important to note that many addicts are attracted to people with codependency issues or who are also addicts. Before thinking about how to help a loved one with drug addiction, it can be helpful to understand what it’s like loving an addict.

Dangers of Codependency

Researchers explain love addiction is related to these other disorders because they have similar cycles of emotional highs and lows, longing, and the extreme behaviors that can come as a result. If you’re close with someone who has alcohol use disorder (AUD), it can be difficult to know what to do to minimize conflict and stress, support your loved one, and tend to your own needs at the same time. When a person enters addiction treatment and the family embarks on the recovery journey, the sense of hope everyone feels can be exciting.

how to stop loving an addict

Love Addiction Traits and Symptoms

how to stop loving an addict

Years ago, before his recovery from drug addiction, he also saw firsthand how his parents dealt with his substance problem. In a recent interview, Jacob shared these insights for anyone seeking to support their loved one with healthy boundaries and tough love. Even though it can be a challenge, the benefits of overcoming addiction far outweigh any perceived benefits of continuing substance use. Coming face-to-face with reality means accepting that parts of your life may be out of control as a result of loving someone who is engaging in addictive behaviors. When you love a drug addict, you will often find that they seem to choose the substance over you time and time again, and it’s not just your perception. When someone you love is addicted to alcohol or drugs, the substance is going to be their number one priority.

Treatment Options for An Addicted Loved One

Before leaving someone struggling with addiction, you can try to get them to seek the help they need. Sometimes, stating your concerns and asking for them to get help can motivate a loved one to go to treatment. Art Jacob has both personal and professional experience with these questions. In his role as FHE Health’s Director of Patient Experience, he is used to coaching families who have loved ones in early recovery.

Learn as much as possible about addiction.

  • There are several ways to tell if a loved one is using drugs, even if that person is dishonest about drug use.
  • This includes mental health problems, codependency, or developing an addiction.
  • For many who have spent years giving to others, especially when taking care of the active alcoholic or addict in your life, asking for help becomes a foreign idea.
  • Even if you disagree with what they are doing or saying, it’s important to withhold judgment.
  • They are scared that if the other person gets better, their purpose of being a caretaker may be taken away from them.

You expect your loved one to go to treatment and follow directions from professionals. Families receive the same benefits when they follow that same path. When one side gets better, it allows the other side to follow suit. An enabler can best change their behaviors by detaching and entering their own recovery program to uncover why it is they feel the need to enable and what they are receiving from helping another person. Many would think it is more difficult for the family when they refuse help, and sadly this is not the case.

how to stop loving an addict

Before you realize it, you can find yourself in a full-blown abusive relationship. You just happen to love someone who is probably going to need professional treatment to get healthy again. You may tell yourself that surely there is something you can do. But the reality is that not even the person dependent on alcohol can control their drinking, try as they may.

Don’t Take It Personally

Educate Yourself About Addiction

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apsuser October 3, 2022 0 Comments

Types of Vouchers explained for business payments in Accounting

what is a cash voucher

The purchase amount is added and recorded to accounts payable on the balance sheet until paid. The owner reviews all the voucher information before signing a check. The Galaxy’s Best Yogurt establishes a petty cash fund on July 1 by cashing a check for $75 from its checking account and placing cash in the petty cash box. At this point, the petty cash box has $75 to be used for small expenses with the authorization of the responsible manager. The journal entry to establish the petty cash fund would be as follows.

what is a cash voucher

What is a Cash Voucher?

what is a cash voucher

In this case, the cash account, which includes checking accounts, is decreased, while the funds are moved to the petty cash account. One asset is increasing, while another asset is decreasing by the same account. Since the petty cash account is an imprest account, this balance will never change and will remain on the balance sheet at $75, unless management elects to change the petty cash balance. The voucher, which is a cover page that explains the attached documents, includes the purchase order, shipping receipt, and invoice.

What Is a Section 8 Housing Voucher?

This documentary evidence supporting transactions is known as ‘Source documents’. Common examples of source documents are cash receipts, cheques, pay-in-slip, invoices, etc. A petty cash voucher is a standard form used as a receipt whenever cash is withdrawn from a petty cash box. It is a physically small form, since it must fit within the petty cash box or drawer. It is classified as a source document, since it is an original document that contains the details of a business transaction.

  1. Since the petty cash account is an imprest account, this balance will never change and will remain on the balance sheet at $75, unless management elects to change the petty cash balance.
  2. An auditor performs a set of procedures to determine if the financial statements are free of material misstatement.
  3. Normally, the setup of this form includes a heading section, payee details section, transaction segment, authorization part and additional details if any.
  4. Vouchers that companies use in accounting provide the information needed to pay liabilities, primarily those to vendors.

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Vouchers are prepared to support the accounting entries made in the books of accounts to provide correctness to the transactions. Initially, every transaction finds a place in the source documents and then using source documents, every transaction is recorded in the form of vouchers. For every business firm or party involved, there are vouchers in the name of every firm with their specific name.

Recall that materiality means that the dollar amount in question would have a significant impact in financial results or influence investor decisions. As cash is spent from a petty cash fund, it is replaced with a receipt of the purchase. At all times, the balance in the petty cash box should be equal to the cash in the box plus the receipts showing purchases. Understanding what a cash voucher is and how to use it is crucial for effective financial management. Cash vouchers help in promoting accountability while t account examples making finances flow smoothly. The total amount of all the vouchers that have outstanding balances owed is recorded as accounts payable on the balance sheet.

Source documents are critical to auditors, who use them as evidence that recorded transactions actually occurred. A cash voucher is a standard form used to document a petty cash payment. When someone wants to withdraw cash from the petty cash fund, tax estimator to calculate your 2014 tax refund that person fills out the cash voucher to indicate the reason for the withdrawal, and receives cash from the petty cash custodian in exchange. Typically, petty cash accounts are reimbursed at a fixed time period. Many small businesses will do this monthly, which ensures that the expenses are recognized within the proper accounting period.

For the past 52 years, Harold Averkamp (CPA, MBA) hasworked as an accounting supervisor, manager, consultant, university instructor, and innovator in teaching accounting online. For the past 52 years, Harold Averkamp (CPA, MBA) has worked as an accounting supervisor, manager, consultant, university instructor, and innovator in teaching accounting online. The voucher documents that the tasks are performed by multiple people and creates a paper trail so that an auditor can confirm that the duties were properly segregated. It is used by an organization to keep records of small amounts of money that it spends as well as reimbursed expenditures. A filled cash voucher sample will have all completed fields such as date issued, payee’s name, amount and signature. Normally, the setup of this form includes a heading section, payee details section, transaction segment, authorization part and additional details if any.

Within financial transactions, cash voucher is a very important word. The article below discusses the details concerning how cash vouchers look like and an example that demonstrates their usage. At the end of July, in the petty cash box there should be a receipt for the postage stamp purchase, a receipt for the milk, a receipt for the window cleaner, and the remaining cash. The employee in charge of the petty cash box should sign each receipt when the purchase is made.

The importance of a voucher lies in the fact that it is an internal accounting control mechanism that ensures that every payment is properly authorized and that the purchased item is actually received. But to make the entries and to form financial statements further, transactions need to be recorded in a more systematic manner and this is the step where ‘vouchers’ comes into existence. If the management at a later date decides to decrease the balance in the petty cash account, the previous entry would be reversed, with cash being debited and petty cash being credited. This voucher is used when an organization pays others for Salary and wage payment, Payment for Raw materials, Loan repayments, etc. Hence, Cash Payment Voucher and Bank Payment Voucher will be treated as the debit voucher also. The voucher also includes the general ledger accounts used to record the transaction.

Additionally, vouchers also act as a check-and-balance tool and reduce the risk of employee theft. The internal audit staff may schedule a review of cash vouchers, to see if the items reimbursed comply with the company’s policy for petty cash use. It is possible that a firm’s outside auditors will also review cash vouchers, but this is unlikely, since any errors in this area are immaterial to the results stated in a company’s financial statements. As we have discussed, one of the hardest assets to control within any organization is cash.

This is considered as the primary document of the business which describes and authorizes the payment of the company. Vouchers can be used as manual or computerized systems as preferred by business organizations. Vouchers that companies use in accounting provide the information needed to pay liabilities, primarily those to vendors.

Petty cash vouchers are also referred to as petty cash receipts and can be purchased from office supply stores. If the balance in the petty cash account is supposed to be $75, then the petty cash box should contain $45 in signed receipts and $30 in cash. Assume that when the box is counted, there are $45 in receipts and $25 in cash. This creates a $5 shortage that needs to be replaced from the checking account. At month-end, the information in the vouchers is compiled to create a journal entry to credit the petty cash account and debit a variety of expense accounts (depending upon the uses to which the cash was put). The vouchers are attached to the journal entry as evidence of the underlying transactions.

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apsuser September 5, 2022 0 Comments

What’s the Chinese currency called? Chinese Renminbi Chinese Yuan

what is the name of chinese currency

In July 1949, the Nationalist Government introduced the silver yuan, which was initially worth 500 million gold yuan. It circulated for a few months on the mainland before the end of the civil war. This silver yuan remained the de jure official currency of the Republic government in Taiwan until 2000. Banknotes in circulation come in one, two, five, 10, 20, 50, and 100 yuan theta price today theta live marketcap chart and info 2021 denominations, as well as one, two, and five jiao notes. Coins are also issued in one and five jiao, along with one yuan denominations.


The traditional character for yuan is also used in the currencies of other Chinese-speaking regions in the 2020s including the New Taiwan Dollar and the Hong Kong Dollar. The official currency of China is the Chinese Yuan, people also say it as Renminbi. The currency code for Chinese Yuan Renminbi is CNY, denoted by the symbol ¥. Banknotes were issued in yuan denominations from the 1890s by several local and private banks, along with the Imperial Bank of China and the “Hu Pu Bank” (later the “Ta-Ch’ing Government Bank”), established by the Imperial government. During the Imperial period, banknotes were issued in denominations of 1, 2 and 5 jiao, 1, 2, 5, 10, 50 and 100 yuan, although notes below 1 yuan were uncommon.

These circulated at varying exchange rates to the national currency issues. After the revolution, in addition to the denominations already in circulation, “small money” notes proliferated, with 1, 2 and 5 cent denominations appearing. The Renminbi in Foreign ExchangeDuring the command economy, the Chinese Yuan Renminbi was set to unrealistic exchange values and as a result, severe currency guidelines were put in place.

Chinese Yuan Renminbi Currency

These developments have led to intense speculation that the renminbi will soon become one of the major international currencies. In terms of size and dynamism, the economy of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) stands out among the emerging markets. It has already become the world’s second-largest economy and is now one of the largest contributors to global growth. If the PRC continues on its present growth track, it may soon takeover from the United States as the world’s largest economy. Anne Meredith holds an MA estimating the positioning of trend followers in International Politics and Chinese Studies from the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS).

Arrival of the Gold Yuan and Chinese Yuan Renminbi

A yuan acts as China’s unit of account for its financial system and economy, which represents a single unit of money. The term renminbi, on the other hand, is the official name of the currency itself. As of 2019, renminbi banknotes are available in denominations of ¥0.1, ¥0.5 (1 and 5 jiao), ¥1, ¥5, ¥10, ¥20, ¥50 and ¥100. These denominations have been available since 1955, except for the ¥20 notes (added in 1999 with the fifth series) ¥50 and ¥100 notes (added in 1987 with the fourth series).

When China’s economy opened in 1978, the Yuan Renminbi was only used domestically and foreigners used exchange certificates; this led to a powerful black market. From 1997 to 2005, the Chinese government pegged the Chinese Yuan Renminbi to the US Dollar at approximately 8.3 CNY to 1 USD. In 2005, a flexible mechanism of exchange rates was phased in, with the RMB being re-evaluated to 8.1 Renminbi per US dollar. The Chinese government launched a pilot program in 2009, allowing some businesses in Guangdong and Shanghai to execute business and trade transactions with counterparties in Hong Kong, Macau, and select nations. The program has since expanded to all areas of China and all international counterparties.

How Much Is One Chinese Yuan Worth?

China has also made agreements with Australia, Japan, Thailand, Russia, and Vietnam to allow for direct currency trade, instead of converting to the US Dollar. As a managed float, the Renminbi’s value is determined by a basket of foreign currencies. Transactions between Chinese companies and a foreign entity were generally denominated in US dollars. With Chinese companies unable to hold US dollars and foreign companies unable to hold Chinese yuan, all transactions would go through the People’s Bank of China. Once the sum was paid by the foreign party in dollars, the central bank would pass the settlement in renminbi to the Chinese company at the state-controlled exchange rate.

During the 1970s, it was revalued until it reached ¥1.50 per dollar in 1980. When China’s economy gradually Premarket penny stock movers opened in the 1980s, the renminbi was devalued in order to improve the competitiveness of Chinese exports. Thus, the official exchange rate increased from ¥1.50 in 1980 to ¥8.62 by 1994 (the lowest rate on record).

All Chinese yuan rmb Exchange Rates

Our smart tech means we’re more efficient – which means you get a great rate. You’ll find Chinese banknotes in denominations of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 40 and 100 yuan and 1, 2 and 5 jiao. Early Currency in ChinaWith a history of over 3000 years, Chinese currency existed in both Ancient and Imperial China. In 1914, the Silver Dollar was established as the official currency of the Republic of China, with copper, fen, and nickel coins being added in the 1930s. During this time silver appreciated in value, and China could no longer retain the silver standard. China’s national currency is issued by its central bank, the People’s Bank of China (PBOC).

what is the name of chinese currency

The Chinese character 圓 is also used to denote the base unit of the Hong Kong dollar, the Macanese pataca, and the New Taiwan dollar. The unit of a New Taiwan dollar is also referred to in Standard Chinese as yuán and written as 元 or 圓. “Renminbi Internationalization” is a worthy read for anyone who wants to know more about the complex issues surrounding one of the major international and regional financial developments of our time.

The word yuan, however, is much older, and was originally used to refer to the silver coins that European merchants used to trade with Chinese merchants almost 500 years ago. China has the world’s second largest economy and Chinese money plays an increasingly important role in global financial transactions. That said, there’s still a great deal of confusion when it comes to Chinese currency. The currency of China is referred to as either the Chinese yuan (CNY) or renminbi (RMB). It can be purchased through certain banks in select Chinese cities as well as through online payment services WeChat and Alipay.

Furthermore, China has established direct currency trade agreements with Australia, Japan, Thailand, Russia, and Vietnam, bypassing the need to convert to the US Dollar. Presently, the Renminbi’s value operates under a managed float, determined by a basket of foreign currencies. In 1917, the warlord in control of Manchuria, Zhang Zuolin, introduced a new currency, known as the Fengtien yuan or dollar, for use in the Three Eastern Provinces. It was valued at 1.2 yuan in the earlier (and still circulating) “small money” banknotes and was initially set equal to the Japanese yen. It maintained its value (at times being worth a little more than the yen) until 1925, when Zhang Zuolin’s military involvement in the rest of China lead to an increase in banknote production and a fall in the currency’s value.

As for the 壹 (yī),  it is just another, more complicated form of 一 (yī) that is used by bankers in China as an anti-fraud measure since it is harder to alter than the simple 一 (yī). If you find the difference between currency and units confusing, it might seem like a good idea to figure out which word for money is most popular in China and use that one. When telling someone how much something costs, you would be unlikely to say “This car costs 10 gold.” You need some sort of unit, such as ounces. Then you could say, “This car costs 10 ounces of gold.” In this example, gold is the currency, and ounce is the unit. Technically, though, RMB is the name of the Chinese currency (like US Dollar), while CNY is a unit of that currency (like “bucks” or “dollars”).

  1. In 1946, a new currency was introduced for circulation there, replacing the Japanese issued Taiwan yen, the Old Taiwan dollar.
  2. This was effectively the world’s first international currency, beginning to circulate widely in east and southeast Asia in the late 18th century due to Spanish presence in the region, principally the Philippines and Guam.
  3. That said, there’s still a great deal of confusion when it comes to Chinese currency.
  4. You may also notice these more complicated ways of writing numbers on certain official receipts that you get in China.
  5. These denominations have been available since 1955, except for the ¥20 notes (added in 1999 with the fifth series) ¥50 and ¥100 notes (added in 1987 with the fourth series).
  6. After the revolution, a great many local, national and foreign banks issued currency.

After the revolution, a great many local, national and foreign banks issued currency. Although the provincial coinages mostly ended in the 1920s, the provincial banks continued issuing notes until 1949, including Communist issues from 1930. Most of the banknotes issued for use throughout the country bore the words “National Currency”, as did some of the provincial banks. The remaining provincial banknotes bore the words “Local Currency”.

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apsuser May 20, 2022 0 Comments

How A Lot Does An Net Site Cost In 2024? +calculator

If your chosen domain isn’t free, you’ll usually be suggested options. You can also attain out to the proprietor of the area you want, and attempt to get them to promote it to you. If that’s your business https://wizardsdev.com/, we are able to present tailor-made quotes from main web designers, to make discovering one straightforward. Effective messaging also can assist foster engagement, guide users by way of your web site with function and directly contribute to achieving your objectives, such as constructing trust together with your audience. ECommerce websites with an extensive line of merchandise might require lots of of net pages, for instance, whereas simple, company web sites could solely want 5-10 pages in whole.

The Cost Of Hiring An Agency For An Internet Site Redesign

A website requires routine upkeep — with out it, your website will go offline. That’s why businesses have to ask not only, “How much does it value to build a website? Prices for web site builders differ, ranging from $0 to more than $500 per thirty days with annual upkeep prices of $0 to $5400 per 12 months. Learn the highlights of an online improvement value and elements that outline pricing. The advertising price for your business is the price range required to publicize your website to the required target audience Middle Web Designer (part-time, up to 10 hours/week) job. However, we suggest dedicated server internet hosting for advanced and company web sites.

How Much Does A Web Site For A Enterprise Cost?

It often consists of extra options, like a Content Management System (CMS) or copywriting, to meet your company’s distinctive wants. Like intermediate and superior web design, fundamental web design creates a web site specific to your brand and goals. For instance, you can add a Live Chat perform to communicate with your prospects, add specific content material like video or audio, offer an e mail subscription, and many extra.

Estimate Your Web Site Constructing And Web Site Administration Value

With website builders like Wix internet hosting is included in the price of the platform. If you resolve to build a website from scratch, you’ll need to pay for internet hosting individually, the prices of which might range from $2.95 to $250 per thirty days, relying on whether or not you want your individual server. WordPress is a robust, versatile, and user-friendly platform for building websites. It’s appropriate for businesses and individuals alike, providing an array of customization choices to create distinctive and functional sites.

How To Increase Your Company’s Website Conversion Rate

The price of a website usually isn’t included with a web site builder or CMS subscription, but you possibly can sign up for one at the same time that you join their software program. Some website builders let you could have a website free of charge in your first yr. Using an web site builder is typically the cheapest approach to build a website, some even have free plans (though these are usually very limited). It’s a DIY strategy best suited to small companies, trying to create a internet site that isn’t overly complex.

Some freelancers could choose their very own CMS – make sure you’ll be able to edit your personal website, otherwise you may be tied to the freelancer for future modifications. There are a number of variations to take into consideration and which fits your company higher. Generally talking, a freelancer shall be working on their own in your site, with one or two major ability units. It’s difficult to discover a freelancer that may be a master of all areas of web site strategy, design, front end growth, again end development, testing, project management and advertising. Issues can come up for a shopper if the freelancer is trying to juggle too many tasks without delay or has to disappear as a result of illness/ personal causes. The very first thing to know about getting a website inbuilt Ireland is that there are two avenues to travel down – hiring a freelancer or hiring a digital agency.

  • Yes, there are tons of YouTube tutorials and ‘plug-and-play websites on platforms like Squarespace where you possibly can construct your web site.
  • Graphic designers sometimes charge between $30 and $150 for an hour’s work.
  • Thus, omitting these two countries in our overview would be unfair.
  • This kind of website is commonly the outcomes of the expansion or evolution of the primary class of net sites.

How Much Does Website Development Cost?

Website builders that say they cost solely $199 aren’t what we consider professionally designed. In reality, they may doubtless spit-out a cookie-cutter page that’s not designed to particularly reach your objectives. Unless you could have some expertise in website growth, or need quite a lot of informational pages, we’d suggest hiring someone who can take on both the event and design. Again, in case you are hiring a developer to particularly code, but not design, you’ll nonetheless be looking at hiring a designer or taking the designing half on yourself. A large dynamic web site with customized options will take extra time and effort than a few static pages.

Let’s compare net design and internet growth pricing and subscription plans. We estimate your project will price between and .Please complete the net type below for an actual project quote from a WebFX web site design strategist. If you spend cash on PPC, your organization can spend $100 to $10,000 per thirty days. Businesses earn $2 for every $1 they put money into PPC, which is why it’s a trusted digital advertising technique.

This takes a ton of time to do it right, and lots of internet projects get held up because the client has not completed writing the content material. Just like a plant needs water, mild, care, and a focus to grow strong and thrive, so does your website. It must be monitored, often up to date, and recalibrated both to reflect the modifications in your small business and to fulfill the evolving wants of your purchaser. When working with a freelancer, you’ll find a way to probably expect a design that appears good and capabilities properly without any obvious flaws. They will likely take your ideas, provide you with a few mock-ups so that you can think about, and then they’ll construct the one you want greatest. A well-designed, user-friendly web site can hold your corporation from falling behind.

If you’re not sure of how a lot to charge, examine your fee with that of designers of similar ability stage on inventive networks corresponding to Dribbble and Behance. You’ll additionally wish to contemplate your ability stage or background within the field. If your profession as an internet designer is comparatively new, you’ll wish to charge a lower amount at first after which work your way up as you build a portfolio.

Check out Wix’s marketplace of website designers to get a free quote today. As a very tough guideline, fundamental web sites constructed by freelance internet developers can start from a quantity of hundred dollars and enhance with complexity and customization necessities. It’s what makes your online house official and gives visitors a feeling of belief and credibility. Therefore, it is price spending the annual rate your area registrar of choice costs for a customized domain. Websites have to be hosted on a server to point out up on the web.

Web design from an company costs $501 – $1000 per 12 months (22% of respondents). Many companies, like WebFX, supply completely customizable web design companies packages that fit your distinctive wants. This lets you get as little or as much as you need for a custom cost, so you don’t need to pay more for deliverables you don’t need in a one-size-fits-all plan. The price of website design from an agency will depend in your chosen agency as nicely as the scale of your web site.

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apsuser April 12, 2022 0 Comments

Как зайти в Boot Menu на ПК и ноутбуке

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Данный параметр устанавливается конкретным разработчиком материнской платы и зависит от версии самой системы. Если перейти в раздел Setup, то удастся назначить последовательность и приоритетность загрузки носителей, подключенных к ПК. Например, нужно загрузить ПК не с жесткого диска, а с флэшки или даже CD. Это актуально при смене Windows или при необходимости исправить баги в работе системы. Boot Menu — часть BIOS, где настраивается порядок запуска операционной системы с установленных в ПК или ноутбуке носителей.

  1. Если вы новый пользователь, желающий стать мейкером, заполните форму здесь.
  2. Для осуществления регистрации от вас потребуется всего навсего перейти на сайт и далее уже выбрать для входа одну из предлолженных социальных сетей.
  3. На данных моделях девайсов для входа в меню используются две клавиши — Escape либо же F8.
  4. За этот краткий миг, когда происходит загрузка системы, необходимо успеть нажать требуемую клавишу.

Нужно ли мне вносить какие-либо изменения в свой аккаунт, прежде чем приступать к блочной торговле на OKX?

О том, как пользоваться данной функцией, вы узнаете из нашего материала. Чтобы было более понятно и можно было наглядно посмотреть на процесс регистрации и ввода кода, можно посмотреть это видео. В этом видео показан как регистрироваться и куда вводить код.

Не только биткоин: ряд цифровых активов показал феноменальный рост

opcash как зарегистрироваться

Далее, в соответствующей строке, немного ниже, нужно ввести код. На данных моделях девайсов для входа в меню используются две клавиши — Escape либо же F8. Для попадания в саму систему BIOS используются кнопки Delete или F9. За этот краткий миг, когда происходит загрузка системы, необходимо успеть нажать требуемую торговля на пробой уровня клавишу. Удобнее всего, это сделать, через такую популярную сеть, как вконтакте. На самом деле-то зарегестрироваться в Opcash очень и очень просто.

На лэптопах Sony используется кнопка F11, но на отдельных моделях может присутствовать блокировка на вход в загрузочное меню. Тогда пользуемся той же инструкцией, что и для моделей Acer, а после открываем Boot menu клавишей F11. Вам необходимо выполнить требование к минимальной сумме активов — вносить изменения в существующий аккаунт не требуется. Мы поддерживаем все режимы и методы маржи, а также местные валюты.

Как попасть в Boot Menu на ПК

У производителя весьма интересный подход к вопросу удобства — для отдельных функций существуют специальные кнопки. Например, на ноутбуках присутствует рычажок, с помощью которого отключается Wi-Fi. Также, на моделях подороже, есть специальная кнопка для перехода в Device Priority. На ней нарисована изогнутая стрелка и располагается она не в общем что такое atr ряду клавиш.

Как зарегистрироваться для участия в блочной торговле на бирже OKX?

Однако имейте в виду, что блочные сделки на OKX по умолчанию будут выполняться в чистом режиме, независимо выбранного режима на других площадках OKX. Зайти в Boot menu на Samsung можно простым нажатием на Esc во время загрузки системы. Альтернативный вариант на стареньких моделях — кнопка F10. Нужно перейти на этот сайт и нажать на кнопку – вход через соцсети.

Для осуществления регистрации от вас потребуется всего навсего перейти на сайт и далее уже выбрать для входа одну из предлолженных социальных сетей. В общем вход через соцсети и быстрая регистрация соответственно. Если у вас уже есть аккаунт, обратитесь к вашему аккаунт-менеджеру, чтобы зарегистрироваться в качестве мейкера. Если вы новый пользователь, желающий стать мейкером, заполните форму здесь. Если мы сочтем вас подходящим кандидатом, наша команда свяжется с вами, чтобы помочь вам в процессе регистрации. Если такая кнопка отсутствует, пробуйте зайти в меню через F12.

Как зайти в Boot Menu на ПК и ноутбуке

Но только ещё от вас потребуется ввести в строчке пониже свой промокод. Теперь можно пользоваться функцией, как и на других устройствах, просто нажав клавишу F12 при Трейдер это кто и чем занимается загрузке системы. Вызвать Boot Menu можно нажатием клавиш F8, F11, F12, либо же Esc.

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apsuser May 5, 2021 0 Comments

What is Article 13? We explain the EU’s new copyright law

what is article 13 reddit

If we have a deal, the legislation will likely be translated into UK law but if there is no deal we understand that it won’t apply to the UK. UK Music is the industry organisation behind the British Music industry, representing organisations such as the BPI, Musicians Union and PRS. It welcomed the move as “a huge step forward for creators, the UK music industry and the millions who love the music we produce.” Google doesn’t like it and claimed that it could “change the web as we know it”.

what is article 13 reddit

The article intends to get news aggregator sites, such as Google News, to pay publishers for using snippets of their articles on their platforms. Press publications “may obtain fair and proportionate remuneration for the digital use of their press publications by information society service providers,” the Directive states. The Directive on Copyright would make online platforms and aggregator sites liable for copyright infringements, and supposedly direct more revenue from tech giants towards artists and journalists. Almost the entirety of the internet thrives on a law called Fair Use.

  1. Notably, the final directive made it clear which sites would be liable for copyright infringement.
  2. The European Parliament approved the draft Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market in September 2018.
  3. There are fears it could outlaw news aggregators as we know them or even prevent any sites other than giants like Google, which could afford a license, from linking to articles at all.
  4. For example, new music tracks remixing and sampling other artists could find themselves blocked.

Currently, YouTube can use algorithms and other clever sauce to detect copyright content after it has been uploaded, sometimes this can be a long time after upload. And generally your content is not removed, you just can’t put advertising against it. It refers to services that primarily exist to give the public access to “protected works or other protected subject-matter uploaded by its users”, so it is likely to cover services such as YouTube, Dailymotion and Soundcloud. While this is a European matter, the outcome affects all internet users and services around the world. As we saw after the implementation of GDPR, some services blocked European users rather than complying with the law. This edition of the directive expanded the definitions, made concessions, and included clarifications.

what is article 13 reddit

What is the EU Article 13?

Like many legal documents, it isn’t immediately clear what that means. Those measures, such as the use of effective content recognition technologies, shall be appropriate and proportionate. It’d force all online platforms to police and prevent the uploading of copyrighted content, or make people seek the correct licenses to post that content.

What is Article 13 and if it’s that bad, why aren’t people panicking?

Ultimately, it all depends how much internet platforms invest in artificial intelligence. If the AI is good enough to work out the difference between a meme and thieving copyrighted material, Article 13 could work. Because the onus will be on individual websites and internet convert russian rouble to euro service providers, they will also face the repercussions. As such, some fear that they will aggressively seek to delete content which is potentially troublesome.

The video could then be taken down, regardless of whether they had a valid claim, with the creator all but powerless to prevent it. This is one of the reasons to host videos on Vimeo rather than YouTube. After the draft legislation was published, many critics argued the case that the EU’s Article 13 proposal would be the end of meme culture. By similar logic, popular remix culture would be lost so that could mean the end of user-generated remixes and parodies, and of the platforms that host them like YouTube and SoundCloud. This is a transformative change from the way the internet has developed.

“The onus will be on, for example, the social media platforms to filter their content and ensure that copyright is not breached on their platform,” says Shriane. The final version of Article 13 says services must make “best efforts” to remove copyright-protected videos in cases where “the rights holders have provided… the relevant and necessary information”. Article 13 says content-sharing services must license copyright-protected material from the rights holders. Many of the world’s most popular websites rely on user-generated content. Notably, social media sites like Facebook, Reddit, and Twitter would be affected by the legislation as their platforms depend upon it.

Article 13: Europe’s hotly debated revamp of copyright law, explained

However, critics say the opposite is true, with smaller websites most adversely affected by the directive. On April 15, 2019, the European Council – the political body composed of government ministers from each of the 28 EU member states – voted to adopt into EU law the copyright directive as passed by the European Parliament in March. Six member states (Finland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland and Sweden) voted against adopting the directive while three (Belgium, Estonia and Slovenia) abstained from the vote. This will affects our ‘Muricans in the United States too, since many sites we use on a daily basis are accessible worldwide.

Both the Copyright Directive and GDPR could dramatically affect and change things about the internet as we know it. But they also differ significantly, not just in scope, but also in how they’re viewed and received by the world beyond Brussels. The EU’s proposed European Copyright foreign currency time deposits Directive is being called a war on memes.

Thus citizens of Europe who are against Article 13 are advised to get in touch with their MEPs before this vote. However, more broadly, internet users are concerned about the impact of the legislation on copied or remixed content. In addition, some argue that the proposal gives no indication about which internet platforms would need to introduce these new filters. To become law, EU member states must pass legislation that adheres to the rules set out in the directive, so it is likely to be some time before the restrictions take effect. There is likely to be a series of campaigns against the changes as well as legal challenges in national and EU courts. The rules are also intended to challenge the power of tech giants like a roadmap to continuous delivery pipeline maturity Google and YouTube, forcing them to pay for content they aggregate.

The Directive on Copyright has gained vocal critics on both sides of the debate, but you can broadly chunk up defenders and detractors into two categories. One random discord server I was in just linked everyone to saveyourinternet.eu because apparently EU is trying to kill internet as we know it. Saveyourinternet.eu has a great tool for finding and contacting your MEP, and has a few prewritten scripts and talking points for them. Phone calls are generally the most effective method, since you know they actually answer them. If you’ve been lurking around the internet recently, you may have seen a lot of drama about this “Article 13” in the EU going around. Since most of the other sites are political action groups that want your money, and many others do a garbage job of explaining this, I’ll try to explain this as briefly and simply as possible.

With such confusion, some creators have instead turned instead to copyright alternatives like copyleft. Copyright differs between countries, with some taking a much harder stance, while others mostly ignore it. The European Union (EU) currently has 28 member states, the UK’s exit—or Brexit—notwithstanding. The union represents one of the most significant trading blocks in the world, and as such its regulatory framework has worldwide repercussions. However, given that Britain has adopted other European-wide rulings such as General Data Protection Regulation into its own legislation, there’s a chance the same would happen in this case too. These are just some of the possibilities, but because of how vague the law is, it’s hard to see how it might be upheld when the time comes.

“Platforms unable or unwilling to pay licensing fees would need to shut down or disallow users from sharing links with snippets,” said Pirate Party MEP Julia Reda. An organized campaign against Article 13 warns that it’d affect everything from memes to code, remixes to livestreaming. Almost 400,000 people have so far signed a Change.org petition against the provision. Those votes happened just weeks after Europe’s last big piece of internet-related legislation — the General Data Privacy Regulation ( GDPR) — kicked in. Although websites less than three years old, or with less than €10 million annual turnover are exempt, the websites will still need to plan for when those caveats no longer apply to them.

This is the part of the Directive on Copyright that has most people worried. Once YouTube became the internet’s de facto video site, copyright holders began to pressure Google to remove unlicensed copyrighted content. The reason why this article has been dubbed the “meme ban” is that no one is sure whether memes, which are often based on copyrighted images, will fall foul of these laws. Article 17 clarifies that a service must seek authorization from the rights holder to display copyrighted content. As the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) notes, “Article [17] advocates argue that online services won’t need to filter if they license the catalogues of big entertainment companies.”

If you thought Article 13 is controversial, Article 11 could be more so. It forces search engines and other aggregators to pay license fees on short snippets of content. Google even shared sample search pages back in January which removed the bits that could potentially fall foul of the legislation.

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apsuser May 3, 2021 0 Comments

Alcoholic Ketoacidosis: Warning Signs and Treatments

alcoholic ketoacidosis smell

Routine clinical assays for ketonemia test for AcAc and acetone but not for β-OH. Clinicians underestimate the degree of ketonemia if they rely solely on the results of laboratory testing. People with diabetes should limit their consumption of alcohol. Apart from the risk of alcoholic ketoacidosis, alcohol can cause spikes in blood sugar. When the breath of a person with diabetes smells like acetone, they should check their blood sugar levels.

alcoholic ketoacidosis smell

If your doctor suspects that you’ve developed this condition, they may order additional tests to rule out other possible conditions. After these test results are in, they can confirm the diagnosis. The pathophysiology of alcoholic ketoacidosis is complex, involving the excessive production of ketones, which, along with dextrose administration, can impact blood pH levels. The role of lactate, as well as the potential development of alkalosis or acid-base disturbances, is significant in understanding this condition.

Other sources of acetone

alcoholic ketoacidosis smell

Having diabetes can also make a person more likely to develop oral health problems. In 2009, researchers james anderson author found that analyzing a person’s breath could help identify prediabetes, the early stage of diabetes. People who exhaled higher levels of carbon dioxide were more likely to have high blood glucose levels.

Why does my breath smell like acetone?

Prolonged used of alcohol can result in cirrhosis, or permanent scarring of the liver. Cirrhosis of the liver can cause exhaustion, leg swelling, and nausea. If you believe you are experiencing HHS, contact a healthcare provider or go to the emergency room immediately. Diabetic ketoacidosis, or DKA, is a complication of diabetes, especially type 1 diabetes. Diabetes is not the only condition linked to breath that smells of acetone.

  1. When your liver uses up its stored glucose and you aren’t eating anything to provide more, your blood sugar levels will drop.
  2. If you are diagnosed with alcoholic ketoacidosis, your recovery will depend on a number of factors.
  3. When this happens, it can cause ketones, which are acids, to build up in your blood.
  4. If symptoms progress without treatment, the person may lose consciousness and experience a coma.
  5. This test will provide information about your sugar levels to help determine whether you have diabetes.
  6. It is a clinical diagnosis with patients presenting with tachycardia, tachypnea, dehydration, agitation, and abdominal pain.

The process of breaking down fat for energy releases byproducts called ketones. They provide some energy to your cells, but too much may cause your blood to become too acidic. If you are diagnosed with alcoholic ketoacidosis, your recovery will depend on a number of factors. Seeking help as soon as symptoms arise reduces your chances of serious complications. Treatment for alcohol addiction is also necessary to prevent a relapse of alcoholic ketoacidosis.

Support groups can be a valuable source of support and can be combined with medication and therapy. While following the diet, a person should ensure that they consume enough liquids and electrolytes. This type of diet is not suitable for everyone, and there may be adverse effects. Knowing about DKA and being able to recognize its symptoms can save a person’s life.

Differential Diagnosis

Not eating enough or vomiting can lead to periods of starvation. Alcoholic ketoacidosis can develop when you drink excessive amounts of alcohol for a long period of time. Excessive alcohol consumption often causes malnourishment (not enough nutrients for the body to function well). Glucose comes from the food you eat, and insulin is produced by the pancreas. When you drink alcohol, your pancreas may stop producing insulin for a short time.

Ketoacidosis is a metabolic state caused by uncontrolled production of ketone bodies that cause a metabolic acidosis. While ketosis refers to any elevation of blood ketones, ketoacidosis is a specific pathologic condition that results in changes in blood pH and requires medical attention. The most common cause of ketoacidosis is diabetic ketoacidosis but can also be caused by alcohol, medications, toxins, and rarely, starvation.

If the breath of a person who does not have a diabetes diagnosis smells of acetone, they should see a doctor who can check for diabetes and other causes of the smell. DKA can cause the blood to become acidic and affect how the organs function. The condition usually occurs gradually, but if a person has been vomiting, it can develop quickly. Patients are usually tachycardic, dehydrated, tachypneic, present with abdominal pain, and are often agitated. People who drink large quantities of alcohol may not eat regularly.


You can drink plenty of water, brush your teeth more often, or use mints eminem addiction or gum to try to mask it. If you experience fruity breath that’s not caused by intentional changes to your diet, the scent of your breath may have more dire causes. Upon discharge from the hospital, your doctor may recommend connecting you with resources and support to aid in your recovery from alcohol use disorder. This could include referrals to counseling, therapy, or rehabilitation programs, providing you with a structured path toward sustained sobriety. The resulting increase in the NADH/NAD+ ratio inhibits hepatic gluconeogenesis and elevates the ratio of hydroxybutyric acid to acetoacetic acid. Acetic acid (an acyl group carrier) is linked with coenzyme A (a thiol) to produce Acetyl-CoA.

Breath that has a fruity or acetone-like scent may be a sign of ketosis from your diet, DKA, HHS, excessive alcohol use, or liver disease. If you need help creating a nutritional plan to help control your blood sugar levels, ask your healthcare provider for a referral to a registered dietitian. If you have diabetes and are having a hard time dosing your insulin and managing your blood sugar, contact your provider. If you suspect you are experiencing DKA, do not try to treat it at home unless under a healthcare provider’s supervision.

How Can Alcoholic Ketoacidosis Be Prevented?

Without insulin, your cells won’t be able to use the glucose you consume for energy. If you are unable to test your blood sugar and ketones, go to the emergency room. In order to experience alcoholic ketoacidosis, a person often has to drink large quantities of alcohol, while also being malnourished. If you begin vomiting or have other symptoms of DKA, contact your healthcare provider immediately or go to the emergency room. At our treatment centers, we offer the medical attention you need, combined with the caring, confidential services you deserve.

In general, the prognosis for a patient presenting with AKA is good as long as drinking because of boredom the condition is identified and treated early. The major cause of morbidity and mortality in patients diagnosed with AKA is under-recognition of concomitant diseases (that may have precipitated the AKA, to begin with). These include acute pancreatitis, gastrointestinal bleeding, and alcohol withdrawal. Mortality specifically due to AKA has been linked to the severity of serum beta-hydroxybutyric acid in some studies.

As the ketones build up, they increase the acidity of the blood. You can prevent alcoholic ketoacidosis by limiting your alcohol intake. You can learn how to reduce your alcohol intake or eliminate it altogether.

Your doctor and other medical professionals will watch you for symptoms of withdrawal. When your body burns fat for energy, byproducts known as ketone bodies are produced. If your body is not producing insulin, ketone bodies will begin to build up in your bloodstream.

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apsuser April 23, 2021 0 Comments